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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. "just give up?" Stop quoting everything your mum have said to you...
  2. Oh please..I actually try substantiate my assumptions. You on the other hand reel of some conspiracy theories and brands every person that disagree as demented..You could for once try to write why you disagree....Your brain will not explode, I promise...
  3. THIS! That's not true though How do you know it's not true? you build an atmosphere within the club that is geared towards success on the field rather than making a profit in every transfer window, then maybe he doesnt want to leave. we made a profit every transfer window since Ashley took over? You've got the stats to back that up? Agreed! Fuck me, some people are truly paranoid. Venkman: for all you know, the club is "creating a culture for success." Building brick by brick is how Manure did it, and the same goes for arsenal. Why cannot we have the same patience? Or are you willing to go all in again signing big names? If you doe, you should not complain afterwards if the club is is unsuccessful and is on the verge of being erased from the map.
  4. We sure missed him against Villa. He could have been the difference between 0 and 1/3 points. Was outstanding against Wolves too.
  5. Constant turnover of top players? Isn't that to exaggerate a bit? Carroll's sale was the right thing to do. The deal was terrific. And Enrqiue wants to be sold. That's only two players. Together they have generated a whopping £50 mill. Used wisely, we could buy us a hell of a team that will be much stronger than a team consisting of Carroll and Enrique and mediocre recruitments. Ashley's PR department would be so proud of you. Then give me evidence! Where are all the key players that are constantly sold? As always, Carroll's deal (and Enrique's if true) will rest on what we do in the summer. Totally agree. Everything depends on what's done this summer! Unlike you whining bitches, I got a positive feeling though
  6. Constant turnover of top players? Isn't that to exaggerate a bit? Carroll's sale was the right thing to do. The deal was terrific. And Enrqiue wants to be sold. That's only two players. Together they have generated a whopping £50 mill. Used wisely, we could buy us a hell of a team that will be much stronger than a team consisting of Carroll and Enrique and mediocre recruitments. Ashley's PR department would be so proud of you. Then give me evidence! Where are all the key players that are constantly sold?
  7. Constant turnover of top players? Isn't that to exaggerate a bit? Carroll's sale was the right thing to do. The deal was terrific. And Enrqiue wants to be sold. That's only two players. Together they have generated a whopping £50 mill. Used wisely, we could buy us a hell of a team that will be much stronger than a team consisting of Carroll and Enrique and mediocre recruitments.
  8. Minhosa: Why should he sell his biggest assets, unless they refuse to abide to the salary policy set? The only way he's capable of earning money is to establish the club in the top tier. Selling his best players will only lead to the club's value being reduced accordingly. And it's much easier for him to sell the club if it's full of solid players, if he wants that.. However, to earn money, he also needs to enforce the salary cap which by far is the biggest expense in a club. If the club isn't making money, he must take from his own pocket if he wants reinforcements..Would you have done that? When the club has a sound economy, it can also compete for the best talents. We will be able to outbid the likes of Villa and Everton. As long as a salary cap is enforced, it's viable to pay decent fees in order to acquire the best talents. Tham and Stoke are good examples of this. And as the squad gradually improves, together with results and income a greater wage tolerance will also be possible.
  9. This! Can't we try to enjoy that the club has done better than most expected. That we've made super bargains in Tiote and HBA. Who would have thought that Carroll, williamson, colo and simpson would take pl with storm..?Or that we have more money to spend than we dared to dream of? MA has the whole summer to prove us wrong. Therefore I'll wait until next season before I eventually join the howling chorus
  10. Do you know what the Liverpool owners have planned for the next two years? I'd say having signed our most promising home grown talent in 25 years + targetted the best left back we've had in the same period they're showing more ambition than most - if they can add a few more squad players to their core next year they will be Champions League contenders. You're arguing like we will fail in everything, whilst liverpool will succeed with everything. Carroll and Suarez will succeed period, We'll only buy rubbish attackers. Enrique will play well in Lpool (he will not have the same defensive support in Jonas) And we're not capable of finding a good replacement. Listen to your negative self For all we know, Suarez may be rubbish next season (in Holland he got a reputation of only scoring against the weaker teams), Carroll might have problems with his attitudes, maybe he's seriously injured.. Or what will happen if the widemen Lpool buy fail to give Carroll the balls he like? There are so many contingencies that can occur and go wrong. Sadly many of you think that all the errors will happen to us and not toth Lpool. Have some faith will you You are so hilariously deluded. You could try to bring something fruitful into the discussion instead of posting rubbish each time you disagree.. Or you can ban yourself!
  11. Minhose: You're forgetting that Jonas gives Enrique probably the best protection in the league. That our left side is rock solid defensively is not all down to Enrique. Just as much credit should land on Jonas' shoulders.
  12. Do you know what the Liverpool owners have planned for the next two years? I'd say having signed our most promising home grown talent in 25 years + targetted the best left back we've had in the same period they're showing more ambition than most - if they can add a few more squad players to their core next year they will be Champions League contenders. You're arguing like we will fail in everything, whilst liverpool will succeed with everything. Carroll and Suarez will succeed period, We'll only buy rubbish attackers. Enrique will play well in Lpool (he will not have the same defensive support in Jonas) And we're not capable of finding a good replacement. Listen to your negative self For all we know, Suarez may be rubbish next season (in Holland he got a reputation of only scoring against the weaker teams), Carroll might have problems with his attitudes, maybe he's seriously injured.. Or what will happen if the widemen Lpool buy fail to give Carroll the balls he like? There are so many contingencies that can occur and go wrong. Sadly many of you think that all the errors will happen to us and not toth Lpool. Have some faith will you
  13. You have a point withabrick. But even though he's probably one of full backs in the league, he's not more important than Barton, Tiote, Colo or HBA. Three of them got talents that are unique: It's hard to find DMs that have Tiote's passing ability. And Colo's technique is quite rare for a stopper. And HBA's talent goes without saying. Paying Enrique high wages might force the club to pay the others accordingly. Simply put, LB are easer to replace.. I have confidence in Carr: he'll find a good replacement..
  14. In principle I agree Wullie. People are not only about money, although right now football is heading towards being the exception that proves the rule. Time will show: If he leaves for Lpool, it's obviously because of money. They will not get near any cl-spot or silverware the next couple of seasons. If he on the other hand heads abroad to Milan etc, or to Man U or Chelsea, his main desire is to win a trophy.
  15. Withabrick: The big difference is that Tiote and HBA's contracts are aligned with todays salary policy. Lpool will probably offer more money than what our current policy allow. So in order to keep Enrique, we'll have to make an exception. If we give him 70 000 a week, Barton will demand the same during his contract negotiations, which will force the club to either accept or to sell him. If Barton too gets 70, HBA will be pissed, since he arguably will state that he is the best player in the club. And if we buy hot shot striker, he will probably want Enrique's pay too. So by accepting one measly exception, we initiate a pay spiral which the club cannot afford and that is impossible to stop. Do you really want Enrique so much that you're willing to risk the current squad harmony?
  16. The club wants him to stay, but Enrique wants a move, period! NUFC cannot make an salary exemption for Enrique because that will potentially unsettle the rest of the squad and set the standards for all future contract negotiations. Do you think Barton will accept being paid considerably less the the club's left back? And what effect will a special treatment of Enrique have on our two best players HBA and Tiote? As long as NUFC are willing to give Enrique maximum pay within todays salary policy, they've done everything they can to keep him. If Enrique still wants to leave, despite the pending influx of players, it's his choice and the club cannot do anything with it.
  17. Fast, strong and good going forward, but an absolute w*****. I've only seen one of his tackles that got him banned - it was against Monaco back in 2009. f***ing disgusting, he was banned for about 4 months I think. When he was younger he was banned for something like 15 matches for an even worse challenge in the reserve side. Bengue tackling De Jong vs 15 match suspension....hmmmmmm.. Tough choice.
  18. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    We got to build brick by brick Wullie. We're not City or Chelsea..Our goal was to avoid relegation this year, and we've made it..And we got some good players coming up. I really look forward to the next window. Cannot we try to be a bit positive, for once?
  19. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Impossible to compare the two. Thin squad= more injuries as the season develops. That burden fell on Pards and not CH. And if I remember correctly Pards has been trough a tougher schedule. We cannot judge Pards before next season imo.
  20. How can you say that Enrique is a better attacker when Jonas already got 5 assists and two goals this season? And Jonas has secured us plenty of free kicks in good positions-
  21. is the fact that he makes our team significantly better not reason enough? No, because that would defeat the point of having any limits on wages. The essence is that giving Enrique a lucrative contract stops us from getting good players in other positions since we use a lot of capital on tying him down, and we risk unsettling players that are even more important than Enrique (HBA, Barton, Tiote). Enrique is not playing better than the 2-3 replacements we get for him. Tawio on the left and a good right back will make the defense more solid and probably create more goals for us than a defense consisting of Enrique and Simpson.. And Colocho if its necessary to break the wage structure to keep Enrique, I guess you're willing to accept the risk of unsettling HBA and Tiote too?
  22. And he got 5 goals too...
  23. 42 Nenad Milijas Wolves 5 43 James Milner Manchester City 5 44 Charles N'Zogbia Wigan Athletic 5 45 Jermaine Pennant Stoke City 5 46 Martin Petrov Bolton 5 47 Frederic Piquionne West Ham Utd 5 48 Steven Reid WBA 5 49 Fernando Torres Chelsea 5 50 Nikola Zigic Birmingham 5 51 Tim Cahill Everton 4 52 Simon Davies Fulham 4 53 Kevin Doyle Wolves 4 54 Ian Evatt Blackpool 4 55 Elliot Grandin Blackpool 4 56 Jordan Henderson Sunderland 4 57 Branislav Ivanovic Chelsea 4 58 Adam Johnson Manchester City 4 59 Peter Lovenkrands Newcastle 4 60 Florent Malouda Chelsea 4 http://www.premierleague.com/page/Statistics/0,,12306,00.html
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