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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Don't think they'll get that. Those clubs who're able to pay that amount of cash need a striker that's capable of scoring enough goals to take them to CL or Europe asap, and Sturridge is not that kind of player, yet. But I think he will be.
  2. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Dave: Don't know. HBA loves the no. 10. But he probably knows that the no 9. jersey is the most coveted, and he's our "main man." The player's reputation must be big if he's allowed to pick the no. 9. Right now HBA is the only player with big enough balls imo. HBA as no 9 is still very, very sexy..
  3. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's our biggest star, and he chose us ahead of a bunch of clubs in a better position economically and sportingly. So I got no problems if he's given the option to decide himself which number he wants to wear next season. I will buy it regardless
  4. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    tbf to pards, it's hard to perform better with the current squad. Just look at our strike force: shola, kuqi and loven. It's a miracle that we've achieved 41 points...
  5. Not a good game, but the movements from players like Barton and Nolan were rubbish. Tiote didn't have options.
  6. Behold The Enforcer. http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/6320/tiotem.jpg 41 passes, missed on only 4, against PLs team no. 1 . As you can see, Tiote is everywhere on the pitch and he kicked ass. He's so good that it's frightening
  7. You're on to something Pilko. Imo what really separates Williamson from Tayls is that he knows his limitations. But also he has a better eye for the ball. Tayls is more gung ho. You don't see Taylor stopping those dangerous through balls, because that requires that you're both capable of reading the play and covering the correct space. Williamson's passing ability has also improved. He's doing very well, and it's his first season and he only cost us £1mill.. A true bargain
  8. Enrique and Jonas eliminated Nani completely yesterday. Again rock solid defensively. Although I think both were a bit ineffective against ManU's weakest point, O'Shea. They should have doubled up against him oftener which would have made more overlaps possible. Also, instead of combining with Jonas Enrique hit his crossers higher up on the pitch, which is much more difficult to perform and harder to score on than crossers delivered around the box.
  9. Not fair-play Colocho: You're comparing Williamson against cb with years of PL-experience. Jagielka didn't go directly into the Everton team. Gary Cahill was not given a chance in VIlla, but was given time to develop in Bolton. And now we're observing the results. And Distin? He's played in the PL for a decade! You're comparing those cb against Williamson who has has not finished his FIRST season in PL. It's logical that they're better than Williamson. But if we're willing to let Williamson develop, I'm pretty sure he'll improve further.
  10. Agreed! He was flawless yesterday. It's not good man-management to just drop him. As long as he delivers, he should start.
  11. It's also important to remember that this is Williamson's first season in PL. An impressive debut imo. He'll be even better next year. Continuity is the key. Why disrupt a stopper-pair that obviously is doing well.
  12. He's improving by each game. Solid in air, and as already mentioned, he has made some pretty good interceptions lately..
  13. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    We were still sometimes defending corners with no-one up the pitch, drives me crackers. Means when you clear it, it comes straight back and when there's a black and white shirt by the centre circle it means one of their players has to hang back and mark them, so by not doing it we give them one more body in the box. Daft. Very good point. Against the strongest box-teams like Stoke, a possible strategy on dead balls is leave two or three players around the midfield. That will probably force either Shawcross or Huth to stay put.. I've seen this strategy being used a couple of times, but not by us.
  14. I think he was outstanding, again. He sold himself against Evra once. But that was his only mistake. I think he had only one missed pass. Had a couple of nice passes that took the pressure off our defense and enabled us to attack Man U.
  15. Just on word appropriate for his performance : God!
  16. f***ing Scholes..Surprised that he was given the red. He's escaped plenty of times before..
  17. logic seems to escape steve kean I guess the owners now are regretting their decision to fire Big Sam
  18. I cannot understand why Blackburn's manager is starting with Pederesen on the bench. His crossers and throw ins are excellent. When you have box players like Cruz, Samba and Roberts you want a wide man that's able to serve them. And Pedersen is that guy,.
  19. Young starts to piss me off. He goes for a free kick each time. Touch him and he falls
  20. Why?Are they all in wheelchairs like? No! They're using segway!
  21. With that defense Loven will have a field day..He'll seal our pl-spot
  22. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Oh indeed. Earlier, Keane and Scholes were my pet hates. But De Jong's act put him on top of my list. I don't know who of them I hate the most.
  23. This. Regarding training, if you are outrageously talented, i.e. Romario, you can take training lightly, when you have nothing bit a bit of strength and pace to your game you need more than 24 hours in the day to make the cut never mind an extra hour or so. Honestly from what I see and hear the kid seems a waste of a Toon shirt number. Get rid. He doesn't even have the raw talent for this level man. As Ronaldo says in Spain they wouldn't even give him a ball out of kindness. Pisses me off no end that the likes of Ranger is considered a talent, being paid thousands and gets the odd game for a PL club. That's the state of our game though and just as much our club when the likes of him are considered footballers. League 1 at best. He might get somewhere, but he needs to shift focus. Redknapp was imo spot on when he said that too many clubs are tying their talents down on long term contracts. Obviously they're afraid of losing them on a free transfer. But the truth is that very few of them will make the cut. The result is of course that the clubs sit on a bundle of unmotivated, unskilled young players on quite decent long term contracts. Imo, it was not a wise move giving Ranger a 5,5 year contract, especially when we consider his attitude problems. Putting him on a shorter contract could have kept him on a tighter leash. Now on the other hand, we given away the one good hand we could use against him if he continues to ill-behave.
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