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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If nufc.co.uk collapses during the day, I'm not surprised. We're probably not the only idiots that constantly refresh the site, desperately waiting for some pictures of epic dimensions.. In fact, I think it responds slower already..
  2. Punk77

    Joey Barton

    Nice to hear. I understand both parties actually. Everything depends on our survival in PL. As soon as the place is secured, I think NUFC will give him the the extra contract year he's requesting.
  3. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fuck easter, the resurrection is today!
  4. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    9 am. :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: The squad's technical ability is now increased with 100%
  5. We could need a samba-kind of stopper. But it's not the department we need to be prioritize right now. Imo it's more important to buy a rb that could challenge Simpson. Talylor is mainly a cd and not a rb. And Perch is not good enough.
  6. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fuck that! Great interview :smitten:
  7. In his first games after replacing Taylor he was a bit rusty, but he's improved by each game. Especially against physical teams like Wolves it's important to have a cd that is strong in the air. Wolves kept on hitting long balls, but they did not lead to anything because Williamson won very duel.
  8. 1. Colo 2. Barton 3. Shola
  9. FFS! We got £35 for Carroll, and Wickham's price is believed to be around £15 mill..So and Ireland in shape is waay out of our pricerange.
  10. This is a very good point.
  11. There's no need to play him as long as we keep the PL-spot. And we're not paying Villa before he plays. The best thing is that we will be able to buy him for much lower price. So I don't see any problem. You would buy him? Instantly, if we get him on the cheap. He's worth the risk. He's one of the best CM in the country if he manages to get his life back on track. He got the eye for a pass and a goal. We buy a potential £25-30 mill player for a lousy £4-5. So normally he's way out of our price range. But thanks to his troubles, he's now affordable. He may fail, but the odds are in our advantage. It's obvious that he got talent (unlike Smith, Boumsong etc )
  12. There's no need to play him as long as we keep the PL-spot. And we're not paying Villa before he plays. The best thing is that we will be able to buy him for much lower price. So I don't see any problem.
  13. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Next flight in from France people get down there now!!!!!!!!! According to thesundaysun he's at the base already. From yesterdays article: "When Ben Arfa checks into United’s Benton training base tomorrow morning at 9am, it will be the beginning of the end of his tortuous six-month rehabilitation process."
  14. He was s*** for Villa, but I think ireland is just like HBA. They both need a lot of TLC. If not, their focus will drift. Ireland isn't what we call a stereotype footballer. And he probably gets a lot of bashing for being a weirdo. . Le Saux was ridiculed in his Chelsea just because he liked to read books. I don't think Ireland have a tough mentality that could handle such beating. If he's in a bad player environment, he will not feel comfortable. Consequently his performances will suffer. And I believe him when he said that the general moral in Shitty was s***. He was not given much chance in VIlla either. Players are not machines, they need to settle in. Villa was not willing to give him time, we will.. I would be much more skeptical of him joining us if we had the likes of Owen in our group. But we have a good squad moral and a strong togetherness, which I think will benefit Ireland immensely. And Pards has a good reputation when it comes to taking care of his players. He's handled the HBA-situation very nicely imo.
  15. I'm not bothered tbh. We all know his capabilities. Him not playing much will only give us the upper hand in negotiations with Villa. We'll get him even cheaper. Signing Ireland for 4-5 mill is a cracking piece of business imo...
  16. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I still cannot believe that we've managed to sign a player of such magnitude...I remember I had almost a surreal sensation when I watched him running around in a NUFC-shirt, having fun with Everton..
  17. Punk77

    Shola Ameobi

    Agreed. His progress has been hampered injuries too. He was in really good form at the start of the season, before a injury once again stopped him. The away game against Arsenal was the best game I've ever seen from him. Didn't score a goal, but he worked his socks of. He had to switch between being a fifth midfielder and supporting Carroll. Also he held onto the ball so the rest of the team could move higher up.
  18. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So you would drop Simpson, Nolan and Jonas but play Ireland? Simpson has fared quite ok this season. But that's mainly because people had no expectations of him either. Imo he doesn't have what it takes to fulfill what's demanded of a modern back. They've become an important instrument in attack. I've observed that some teams prefer to use 5 midfield players when they're meeting tough opponents. And we'll use a similar formation next season too, with HBA as an AM. But this formation require much from the lb and rb who must support the attack. Chelsea, ManU and Everton use this formation and we all now how instrumental Baines, Evra and Cole are in attack.. Simpson on the other hand doesn't have the technique need to master this role.. Ireland is worth the risk. He will be cheap, and if he finds his form, we have a fantastic player..
  19. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I hope for the following next season Forster New - Willi - Colo -Enrique Barton - Ireland - Tiote - New HBA New IF HBA and Ireland deliver and we avoid buying flops, this is a team that's capable of Europe, with ease to..
  20. I think it's a chance that he'll retire this summer. He said that his ankle never will be the same as before the fracture. He may end up crippled if the ankle continues to take hits.. Maybe he's not willing to take that chance.
  21. Had him in my Premiership Fantasy dream team from the start of the season and yes he has alot of off days but his goals have been priceless on a few occasions,He is the first too admit he could be on his arse out of the first team if a better player came along (not Difficult tbh) and i admire him for his honesty . He's a captain with a big C. But I honestly believe that he's capable of holding down a place in the first team. His weakness is lack of mobility. But that he could fix by dropping some pounds. His runs, the way he's positioning himself inside the box and his football intelligence are second to none. Imagine how good he could be with some stamina. Then he will be much more difficult to mark and he knows how to put himself in good scoring positions..
  22. And he was great against WH and Bham too. That's NINE points. Did Oba, Viduka or Owen score against those kind of opponents? No! That's why we were relegated.
  23. Agree with that though. What exactly has Nolan done to get dropped? It's what he hasn't done..
  24. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/4166/colo2j.jpg http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/1608/colo3.jpg http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/4939/colo4.jpg
  25. No way. Simpson did the right thing - covering his man to the byline. It was smart play by Jarvis to cut it back, but Simpson's work meant he couldn't whip it in with any pace so the defenders in the box should have dealt with it. Wrong. He did the same thing against Spurs, and the experts sad he made a serious mistake. The Spurs-blunder was worse. Not only did he invite Lennon into box, but he also managed to lead him in the wrong direction: towards goal and not away from it.
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