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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. The wages in PL should take some of the blame. They're ludicrous. Mediocre players on £50-60000 a week. It doesn't matter that the tube income has increased because the clubs alway manage to use more on player salaries anyways. As I've mentioned before, at Old Trafford, the average attendant is male and his 40s, and probably from abroad too. The families are gone. The situation is made worse by the agents who supposedly are players' advisors. But the fact is that they got every incentive to unsettle players since that will lead to more money for them.. I think I've heard that no first team player in Chelsea is on less than 80 000. That's a minimum of £20 mill in salary on one single player if he got a 5 year contract.
  2. This sums up Nolan's responsibility for the players and why he's captain. But it also says quite a bit about Ranger. His finishing skills are a f***ing disgrace. And still he declines help from one of the coolest finishers in the league. What an idiot.
  3. Imo Zidane was a better player. Messi is all about pace, low center of gravity and the ball being glued to his foot. That of course makes him hard to stop. But Zidane could pull of different kind of dribbles, which you never see Messi perform. One might say that Messi is more effective in his dribbling, but Zidane made everything so gracefully. The way he just waited out his opponent before he eased passed him. Brilliant. Also he could dribble, shoot, and usher the ball with both feet, while Messi depends more or less on his left.
  4. That's my sentiments exactly Madras..
  5. Gutierrez ... Jonas has improved his crossing over the last couple of months. Agreed..5 assits and many free kicks awarded..
  6. Sorry, I thought you were just a simpleton. Should I be offended now?
  7. He isn't good enough either. He got pace, but that doesn't help since he doesn't know how to use it. And what's the point of having a wide man that cannot cross.
  8. Colocho: My mucky English indicates that English is not my first language I'm from Norway...
  9. You have officially flipped out. You've been walking a fine line for some time, but you've irrefutably revealed yourself to be off the chart. Punk77, you've been accused of being an Ashley apologist more than once, but I'm becoming more and more convinced that you are Ashley, or more likely, one of his paid underlings... So I've flipped out because I actually have faith in our team. I may be naive, but you refuse to see the positive that currently goes on. If we keep Enrique, we have a seriously good core of players. The best for years! And we even got money to supplement it. How the fuck is that bad?
  10. f*** me. Simple math.. Scored in three matches = 9 points on the table..Some players you cannot replace, if they're injured it will affect your season. Period.
  11. Afrop: That could easily have been the case yes. Sometimes injuries on KEY players that are non-replaceable could destroy a season completely. In fact, that could be the sole difference between two teams positions. What would have happened with Lpool if Mereles was ruled out for the rest of the season just after he signed? He alone sealed 9 points in matches where they played rubbish. We without injury on HBA and Lpool with a long time injury on Mereles and our positions could have been switched.
  12. We could have easily have been in their place. But each time we've had the possibility to make a push we've been destroyed by injuries or suspensions They've been incredible lucky in some matches (Stoke, Sland ) Met teams that are totally out of form (Chelsea) or Man U when they had their central defense line out. That suited a defensive oriented team like Lpool perfectly. Will be exiting to watch them now though with many key players out.
  13. I know Begbie, but right now I'm naive enough to believe in Pardew and our squads capability in getting Ireland back on track. Unlike many of you negative bastards, I'm willing to wait until next season before I start with all the conspiracy theories
  14. Fuck me, you have no confidence in your own team at all.. I honestly believe that Enrique (obviously), Colo, Tiote, HBA, Ireland and Barton could go straight into the Lpool team right now. That's SIX players.. 4/5 reinforcement and we're there..
  15. Can't see him arriving though.. He will be 30 in August.
  16. Elmander could be a good holding attacker. He doesn't need to score that much himself as long as he's capable of holding on to the ball and pass when overlaps are arriving. Ireand, HBA, Nolan, Barton= plenty of goals..
  17. Agreed. They have some very good players, but man some of them are pure rubbish too.. Lucas, Skrtel, Kuyt, Johnson,Poulsen etc.. Johnson is good in attack but rubbish in defense, Skrtel is decent but not good enough if you want silverware, same goes for Carragher. Remember that those players they buy got to fit in to the team, culture etc. Imo we are almost as good as them already. If they fail in the transfer market and we don't, we'll take them next year.
  18. That's right. Man U had both Ferdinand and Vidic out that day. The replacements were Brown and Smalling. It's obvious that this made Suarez job much more easier. . Brown is rubbish so Evra was the only one left with routine in their defense. That hurts when you're up against such a physical team like Lpool
  19. On the paper they have a good strike force..But they've just scored in one match each. That doesn't make them PL's best strike force, yet. As I've said, Suarez had a reputation of only scoring against the weakest team when he was Holland..And Carroll is still young..So many things can go bad..or good. Time will show.
  20. Doesn't mean shit. Those cretins will do anything to earn an extra buck. Lying to the papers is just another way to force the price up.
  21. No chance in hell we'll spend so much money on one player. On the other hand, a move to us could tempt him since we will guarantee him a regular spot in the XI. £10 mill upfront and an amount of cash after x games should do it..
  22. But he was able to keep them because they won titles and started to make money..Do you think Neville, Scholes and Giggs would have been in the club as long as they have if Man U had gone through the same troubles as us? Of course not..They either would have been sold, or they would have demanded a transfer.
  23. Oh dear. I'm asking, I'm not certain..Beckham, Scholes, Giggs, Butt, Neville x+ he did some seriously good buys in irwing and Cantona and Schmeichel...Or am I wrong?
  24. Bluestar: Now Man U is fueling success through debt. But I don't think that was how it all started. SAF did get his success through a core of homegrown players..Without being certain, I don't think they followed todays strategy back then
  25. I just don't understand why you put so much effort into defending a man that has shown that this club and us fans do not have a place in his heart. Look at his track record, I'm sure I don't need to reel of a list of things he's done - it's just astonishing to see someone defending Mike Ashley with such enthusiasm. I'm just trying to be a bit more positive. You have to look at all the shit that has happened in the past and compare it with what's going on now. MA has made some big mistakes. But imo the club is still heading in the correct direction. We have plenty of good players, have some good talents coming up and the economy is also improving. This is not just happening DESPITE of MA, he's involved in a positive way, whether you like it or not...
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