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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Some of the debt was outstanding due to the money owing to the bank as a result of the ground improvements, if he had done the due diligence he would have realised this. And a lot of the debt is down to Ashely's own terrible decisions. Bringing in Wise who spent money bringing in players on big fees and big wages which the manager of the day didn't want, and was proven in court to be the reason the manager of the day was undermined to the point he was forced to leave. Bringing in Joe Kinnear who was primarily responsible for the relegation - among a whole range of other shocking decisions running up to the drop. That was probably the biggest financial hit the club suffered from. But people shouldn't worry their heads about Dear Old Mike's financial position, he can still afford to spend a million quid in a night in a casino, NUFC aren't draining his bank account too much. The FCB will scrape back every penny he put into this club, if that process hasn't started already. Mind you some people are so naive they really think that United will spend the 35 mil we got from Carrroll deal in the summer. Totally agree that MA has made some serious mistakes. But the fact is, whether you like it or no, that the club is in a better state now than before he took over. We could have ended up like Leeds if Fred had not sold and continued to spend money like he did. Because Fred was not reach enough to lend the club money to keep it afloat, like MA did.
  2. Punk77

    Leon Best

    His ability to score with both feet (unlike Van Persie, Carroll, Loven and many others) makes him two-footed. Best scored all three goals against WH with his NON-preferred foot, because nature created him as a right-footed player. . If all his goals against WH had been finished with his preferred right foot, I would not have been impressed. But he took them with his left, which makes these goals nicely taken. So many players would have wasted those opportunities because they would been forced to switch the ball over to their preferred right foot to be able to finish. That would probably have given the defenders enough time to close down the room and deny the goal. It is a BIG difference between finishing with you preferred and non-preferred foot. It ten times harder with the wrong foot. You have to train for years to master it. And Best does..Hence quality. And concentration is the cause of Best problems. As I mentioned before: Mame Biram Diouf sad the switch two PL was massive. Because of the game speed he's forced to think two three times ahead before each touch. Consequently, Best lack of concentration has serious effects: He sees the rooms that is available too late, he doesn't create room between himself and the defender etc, which enables the defender to deny Best to face goal. That makes his job much more difficult than it could have been. If you have room, it is easier to dribble and so on. That he's constantly standing in offside is also a symptom of the same problem. More focus results in fewer offsides, which again leads to more clear runs at goals, which in the end leads to more chances and more goals for Best. Everything connects as you see..
  3. But we've had many Smiths during the last years. When you multiply him with six he becomes a problem. And our misses on the transfer market and our generous pay policy have drained the coffin. The sum of many errors forced us to sell one of or best players. But hopefully, he's and maybe on more are the only sacrifices we must take in order to steady the ship. But it had to be done. That other clubs overpay their players, doesn't mean that it's ok for us. There are many clubs with tons of debt: Everton, Villa (MON spent £120 mill on s*** players over 4 years) and Bolton (their debt of £100 mill is tied to the owner though, like us.) and what's going to happen with Chelsea if Abrahimo thinks enough is enough. None of these clubs can live on borrowed money forever. The s*** will hit the fan. The best and most secure way for us to gain a serious advantage on our nearest rivals like Everton and Villa, is to have a sound economy when they forced to cut costs. And that has to be done through reducing some of our debt and avoiding the Smihts so the club can start to make a profit. Establishing the team on the upper half will also fill the stadium, and maybe be a inducer for increasing the capacity. All these factors will lead to a healthy economy which again will enable us to keep the best players and enhancing the depth because we can afford bringing in good talents. Like Arse, we got to build brick by brick.
  4. The re investment of the Carrol money seems to imply Pardew isnt in the loop of that Golfmag statement or simply is Golfmag wrong on the club sale side of things I don't see what is wrong with Pardew's remit to reduce debt and costs. The fact we have some utter dross on the books making onscene amount of money. Could it not be that he needs to get rid of that? We are currently willing to get quality players and pay them. Ben Afra is a perfect example and other players have been signing contact extentions. Most of us at the start of the season wanted survival, its looks like we got that. We might now even have a chance for Europe. I am going to enjoy this season. We have accomplished more than what I was expecting and we do have a good squad to build around and make a legimate push for Europe next year. All of us have our suspicions, but we see Ashley true colors this summer. We know we have 35 million. Lets see what happens. Who does this describe? Alan Smith I'll give you. Yeah, but Smith alone represents a deficit of £3.1 mill. Most firms go bankrupt with such a loss.
  5. You're right. His stunning goal ration for WH, 30 goals on 130 matches, proves that he's pure quality
  6. Punk77

    Leon Best

    Sorry Disco, but you're actually wrong, the man got quality But as Pardew already has pointed out: The man lacks concentration on the pitch, but he's working on it. If you go through the goals he scored, you will find that some of them are very well taken: * First goal against WH: A bouncy ball which he expedited in the net with his wrong foot, from a sharp angle * Second goal WH: Again a finish with his left foot * Third goal WH: Managed to stop the hard through ball from Nolan, but this made it hard for him to finish with his right foot. But he took it very nicely with his left, above the keeper. A cool finish. *Goal against Bham: Displayed good leaping power and hammered the ball in the net. QUALITY-goals in other words. All against WH would not have been bagged if it wasn't for the fact that Best finishes with both feet. I can mention some honorable strikers that waste such opportunities if the ball fall on their wrong foot: Van Persie, Carroll, Defoe.. Best didn't. IMO opinion Best has every physical skill to succeed in PL: He's strong, good in the air, two-footed, semi-quick and got a decent touch..What he needs to work on is his football intelligence and general attitude: Be more positive and pay more attention. A very good example was the beautiful crosser from Enrique against Bham where he took the ball from a non-marked Loven who stood on the second post. Best's position should have been the first post. This is a junior mistake, that must be avoided if we want to beat the better teams.
  7. Punk77

    Leon Best

    Hilarious is the first letter.. The lad obviously got potential..A little more concentration from him and we got a very good striker, for peanuts.
  8. Punk77

    Leon Best

    Most of the goals have been against weaker opponents. But hopefully this will give him confidence enough to take on the big teams too..The continuity he now gets on the pitch is very valuable to his development, I hope...
  9. A fantastic picture. Although because he's gone it has double, but sad meaning..Seems like he's walking into 4everland
  10. The re investment of the Carrol money seems to imply Pardew isnt in the loop of that Golfmag statement or simply is Golfmag wrong on the club sale side of things I don't see what is wrong with Pardew's remit to reduce debt and costs. The fact we have some utter dross on the books making onscene amount of money. Could it not be that he needs to get rid of that? We are currently willing to get quality players and pay them. Ben Afra is a perfect example and other players have been signing contact extentions. Most of us at the start of the season wanted survival, its looks like we got that. We might now even have a chance for Europe. I am going to enjoy this season. We have accomplished more than what I was expecting and we do have a good squad to build around and make a legimate push for Europe next year. All of us have our suspicions, but we see Ashley true colors this summer. We know we have 35 million. Lets see what happens. A very good post indeed!
  11. Ninis? Would love that! And he can leave for €10mill, but there will probably be a lot of interest in him. "On September 23, 2008, Ninis extended his contract with Panathiniakos for an additional four years to 2012, with a €10m buy-out clause into the agreement for any foreign team wanting to buy him, rising to €17m for a Greek side." Hopefully it's him we're after. A perfect buy. It's likely that MA would go after players with a buyout clause.
  12. That's one of the reasons why we went down. Periodically he scores some stunning goals. The problem is that he misses chances a toddler would have buried.
  13. That's one of the reasons why we went down. Periodically he scores some stunning goals. The problem is that he misses chances a toddler would have buried.
  14. The freekick by Baines was f***** unbelievable.
  15. Disagree. I'm all in favor of teams that actually have managed to establish themselves through a sensible economical strategy. Chelsea was on the brink of economical ruin when they were saved by Abrahimovich. The club is loosing £70 mill a year, consist of arrogant, couldn't care less-kind-of-players, have zero talent development, and is totally dependent on its owner. That's not good for the league. That Tham is able to compete with the likes City and Chelsea, without being run like them, is very healthy for the league.
  16. True. But Spurs could have a problem because of their lack of attackers. When they play with Vart and Crouch they become very predictable: Everything must go through the former, or they try to hit Crouch's head with him serving Vart. They miss many chances, and that could be fatal if Chelsea pick up pace.
  17. If their passion continue to be absent, that could easily be the result. Much depends on Torres though. If he rediscovers his form, 4th place is no problem.
  18. Haha! Although it would have been best if a CL-spot contender won the FA-cup, I'm not feeling sorry for them. The chelsea players looked like they didn't care, nor did their supporters. Almost like they displayed some kind of arrogance.
  19. Punk77

    Connor wickham

    Great. 2 years down the line it could be Carroll all over again. Carroll supports Newcastle. I think we will struggle if we are only targetting Newcastle fans Skjelbred could be a decent midfield though. TBH, Skjebred has a bit left before he's PL-material. He needs to work more on his passing skills: Passes too late or is not accurate enough. And his finishing skills also needs improvement. But he has been playing outside his favorite position though..
  20. Of course..Notice Chelsea's lack of movement. No running in rooms, and the ball is passed to players that mostly stand with their back against the goal..
  21. He's good enough for the pitch too if he looses some weight. It's f***** unbelievable that a man with a body of a pub-player has bagged 10 goals this season.
  22. Yet he is much better on the ball than Williamson who often panics under pressure and hoofs it out gifting possesion back to the opposition. Williamson was cooler with the ball under CH. I think he has the ability to pass the ball, but not the confidence to actually try it. CH was aware of that and did train his passing skills on matchdays. If you remember back to the early games, Williamson had some very nice passes. Did not clear the ball as much as he does know. I hope Pardew attends to this problem. He's focused on Jonas' crossing lately, and that gave us a good result against Bham
  23. I would suggest we need wingers more than we need a CB though, especially as Pardew doesn't seem to rate Routledge at all.. But Routledge's is not a PL-player. Championship is his level. We aren't the first PL-club where he's failed to establish himself. The pattern is too bloody obvious. A winger that cannot cross is useless, unless he as self-sacrificing as Jonas, which Routledge isnt't
  24. Then we got to agree to disagree. One of the main reasons for the success of Willi and Colo is their compatibility. Willi wins everything in the air, and if anything passes through, Colo deals with it. They have a clear role understanding. Willi guards the air, Colo guards the ground. Taylor on the other hand is much more disorganized in his play. If you ignore the freaky Arsenal match, we've only conceded one goal in three matches. And that's a good statistics if you ask me. And we played against comparable teams too.
  25. Are you blind? Taylor is inferior in the air compared to Williamson.
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