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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. I agree that we need a more muscular defender that complements Colo. But it should not be the main priority. We need cover on lb (if Jose signs), two attackers, and a winger that can cover both sides first. And if Jose leaves, we obviously need a replacement for him too. And a cover for his replacement.
  2. They have been getting some results yes, but not in a convincing style. And they had some margins too. Tbh they've met teams that suit them perfectly, like Stoke, Wolfes and Chelsea. The two first teams have a lot of guts but is not as technical skilled as Liverpool . Chelsea on the other hand has plenty of technique, but no movement and is not willing to put down the extra miles that is necessary when they meet a physical and defensive oriented team like Liverpool. In other words, Pool is Stoke version 2.0. Liverpool's true test is when they're playing teams that are able to apply pressure high up (Everton), teams that has a combination of physique and fast players (Aston Villa, Tham) or up against teams that have all those combinations (Arsenal and Man U. )
  3. Punk77

    Connor wickham

    That's not my main argument actually. I'm all pro when it comes to buying the young and promising. But right now, I want to focus on signing players that will strengthen our first team right away. It's those buys that are important if we want to keep the likes of Enrique. Such reinforcement can of course be young too, but it's a difference between being in early-mid 20s and a teenager like Wickham. That's many years separating them in experience. It's not before we've managed to secure sufficient depth in our squad and on regular basis are pushing for an European spot that we can begin to hunt the hottest youngsters..
  4. Punk77

    Connor wickham

    So you're actually saying that you're not willing to buy an attacker that has proven his worth, but think it's ok to buy an attacker for more money but who has not much to show for, just because he's young and English If we by an attacker that is established, who's 25-26 years old, he will not be an depreciating asset as long as he scores goals. If he do that, he will increase in value for 2-3 seasons, and we can sell him when he's around 28 with profit. On the other hand, Carr will find us a diamond. It's not likely that we will pay £10 mill for a player unless God commands Geravinhio to join us.
  5. FC has been brilliant in CL. Plays attractive football too. FC Copenhagen is Scandinavia's biggest club, and I do not think Wendt is interested in signing for a club where he so obviously will be second fiddle.
  6. Agree. And Tiote is worth much more than £20 mill. He's been one of the best, if not the best dm in PL. And he hasn't the same backing as De Jong (c***) or Essien. When Tiote was suspended, we all saw how much he meant to us. Tbh, I don't think MA will sell him for if he's offered £20, he's too vital for us. We can say much about MA, but he seems like a very good negotiator. And he knows that the fans will not forgive him unless we're offered something similar as we did for Carroll.
  7. It will be not fair against Williamson either. Against Bham, he was our best defender. He won almost every head duel. He showed how important it is to have a cb with air prowess when meeting times like Bham, Stoke and Burn. I think he's been god the last 2,5 games. Back to his best under CH?
  8. Punk77

    Connor wickham

    It is in most other countries. That's why we got HBA and Tiote in the last 12 months for a fraction of the fee it will cost to land Connor Whickham. Couldn't agree more!
  9. If you haven't watch the unveiling of the Sir Bobby stand at Portman Road, it's on the tube in HD: "Sir Bobby Robson Stand Unveiling HD - Portman Road - Ipswich v Newcastle." I cried the first time I saw it...fantastic video
  10. Not a chance in hell my friend. You can eg see this video on the tube: Hatem Ben Arfa 2010 Compilation du Prodige where he eases pass three liverpool players like knife through butter and at that time Pool was one of the best defensive team in Europe. Enrique has good potential, but he lacks a better offensive technique to be the HBA of left backs. HBA has a touch and an acceleration few others have. Not even Messi have the same speed the first few yards. Although the latter has better balance when in full sprint
  11. But he's the exception that proves the rule. HBA is probably the best individual player we have signed in modern times. He's potential is beyond massive, and the only reason why were able to sign him was because of his bad boy reputation. If he stabilizes his head, the world will be at his feet.
  12. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Good article:http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2011/02/18/alan-pardew-focused-on-finer-details-61634-28191621/ In particular: After Pardew took over, our play seems more "pre-planned" imo. Eg. against Bham one of the most important aspects was to deny crossers because that is the only time Zigic is dangerous. And he received only one good cross the whole game.
  13. Now look at that, I found a picture of Tiote as a child: http://evilleague.org/media/steam_roller.jpg
  14. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I hope the club releases some training pictures when he's back. For many (me included) that will be similar to nufc publishing pornographic pictures on their site..
  15. Wrong, he had 9 yellows before the match against Bham. Was not booked in that game, so he should play against Bolton. 9 cards also stated by PL-statistics, which should settle the discussion: http://www.premierleague.com/page/Statistics/0,,12306,00.html
  16. The reduction must be more than £10 mill? The elimination of Owens fee £5 mill alone.
  17. Are you smoking dope? Assou-ekotto, Shorey and Konchelsky?? The two latter are rubbish. And Assou-ekotto is rubbish defensively. He's very much protected because he plays together with Bale. That result in most teams being terrified of attacking on Tham's left side, because they're afraid of leaving too much room for Bale to run in. Everton on the other hand are quite skilled in applying pressure high up in the field. They've done that with success against Arsenal and in their latest game against Tham. And Ekotto was horrible in that match, as predicted.
  18. Good question. Looked fine in Championship though. Was out of position sometimes, but he managed to cope due to his speed.
  19. After the sale of Carroll, he's been out of focus. He did cost us a point against Fham, and had two big errors against Bham that could have led to a goal or two. But before Christmas he was outstanding.. If we get £12 mill for him, I'm satisfied. I have no doubt that Van Aanholt is able to fill Enriques shoes. He dominated against us in Carling Cup, and has better pace and crosses better than Enrique. I think he will be one hell of a bargain, would have played in most other teams. Sadly for him, Cole is in Chelsea. And he will probably be paid half of enrique's current salary.
  20. By same token I remember Pardew saying AC is not sale. As Pardew himself has pointed out: " No " is the only answer a manager can give when asked such a question. The reverse situation : Journalist: "So, so what's the stance on Carroll, is he for sale?" Pardew " Yes he is, so we're grateful for any offers." Everyone sees how ridiculous such an answer is. It unsettles a player if he's not interested in leaving, and if he's halfway unsettled, that answer reduces Castle's bargain position enormously. And if we're not interested in selling him, which was our original stance before that ludicrous offer came along, the answer must logically be no. Our deal for Carroll would not have been as near as good , if Pardew had given another answer than categorically no. Unless the player hands in a transfer request before a bid is submitted, "not for sale" will always be a managers stance.
  21. 25% resell clause is a very good deal. It's an insane offer, and only an insane person would have said no to this deal.
  22. Remeber the man for who he was, not for what the club did to him. Happy Birthday SBR, forever missed A very good point indeed..Happy birthday SBR!
  23. He's a great player, but I'm not sure I want him back. Zog and HBA together could be scary.
  24. Of all the sackings in PL through history, the removal of Sir Bobby is the worst of them all.. An utter disgrace.
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