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Everything posted by mickthemagpie

  1. That argument collapses once Rafa goes.
  2. There is a fatal flaw to that scheme that would ensure it could never work. The sellers price inflation would kill it.
  3. That Heron is a tall lad like but he can't reach the first floor!
  4. They can be seen from the car park so yes. Someone just tried to get in pretending to be from the club! He’s back out now??
  5. Signs are going round the back now where the players can be seen.
  6. Seems to be no publicity that this meal has happened yet. We could do with one of the players dropping a hint of where it will be. See if the fat bastard can escape with his life.
  7. Unless everyone agrees on a definition of 'big' it's a bit of a pointless debate surely.
  8. Was about to say that. Hope he doesnt get ideas looking at that massive fuck off JD Sports sign on top of their stand. Wonder how much they pay for it.
  9. There will be soon enough. We are also dealing with a media that are apathetic to our cause so probably wouldn't get much coverage if it's not televised.
  10. If there is a H&S issue i guess the club would just close the turnstiles in order to get the game started on time for TV. Is there a limit on how long they have to keep them open after ko even? I'd be happy enough to just not go provided it's a televised game for maximum impact.
  11. The only thing wrong with that photo is the lack of a rifle barrel protruding from the slightly open window reflected in the door. Oh and a willing guy with a finger on the trigger. Next year perhaps!
  12. Blinkist really need to discover HTT.
  13. Well worth a read......one of the best articles i’ve Seen about MA, and his hangers on. It is on both counts.
  14. Just need fans to stand in front of them or kneel so it diesn’t Stop people watching the game. Would need to be done in front of all of them at the same time to overwhelm the ability of stewards to react. Never going to happen though.
  15. What's he saying? Stick him on the list on the good side Literally everything. Even brought up the St James' bogs Really impressed, even shutting Bellamy up who's trying his best to get some pro-Ashley drivel in Bellamy said nothing of the sort man.
  16. Pity we don't have any IT geeks on here capable of hacking into that advertising board and switching the adverts........
  17. Even the wife is going to this one, fucking activist!
  18. Getting union support should help raise the profile and spread support as they clearly have an axe to grind here in support of SD staff.
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