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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. If this doesn't happen i couldnt care less about the transfer window. Back to blissful apathy.
  2. :lol: Given the constant hysteria in this thread, that's definitely not true like. Aye, if anything I'm generally the complete opposite.
  3. I think the decision will be announced next week. 2 reasons - Premier League restart will soon be upon us - Media since Friday has ramped up since a quiet period. Cant see anyone wanting this to continue on into the recommencement of the premier league as that could open a whole can of worms if the toon start to slip towards relegation! Pretty sure none of that will have any influence whatsoever on the deal going through.
  4. It's getting approved After looking at your plainwatch analysis I don't think you're in a position to comment to be fair Sorry.
  5. My celebratory beers have just took a hit, I've drank the bottle of Kwak, that's the first sign I've had that I'm a bit worried. Once the La Chouffe and Westmalle have gone, I've given up completely.
  6. George is one of the guys who never said it is close or done. If they are still asking for details about the piracy this week that means we are in long haul and nothing is imminent. He has said numerous times that it will be done, though. Yes it will be done he is positive in that aspect but he never said imminent and done already. He always says the buyers anticipated this all along and this needs to be played out. Not sure what you're trying to prove there? All that says is they were told it would take 4 weeks, which they probably were. He's not claiming it will be done in 4 weeks. Just answering Strawberry that he always said the buyers anticipated this all along, which is incorrect. What's your problem? no problem, just that the way I see it, that doesn't prove it incorrect. They could have been told it would take 4 weeks but also anticpated it would take longer. Anyway, not worth a debate, forget I said anything. Wish I could keep myself off here
  7. George is one of the guys who never said it is close or done. If they are still asking for details about the piracy this week that means we are in long haul and nothing is imminent. He has said numerous times that it will be done, though. Yes it will be done he is positive in that aspect but he never said imminent and done already. He always says the buyers anticipated this all along and this needs to be played out. https://twitter.com/MoneyMikeAshley/status/1267560980810211330?s=20 Not sure what you're trying to prove there? All that says is they were told it would take 4 weeks, which they probably were. He wasn't claiming it would be done in 4 weeks.
  8. George is one of the guys who never said it is close or done. If they are still asking for details about the piracy this week that means we are in long haul and nothing is imminent. Didn’t he say a out 4 weeks ago it was days away from being done ? Back then he said he believed 'it could be done by wednesday', which at that point will also have been what the buyers believed, but things change, it doesn't mean he was incorrect or giving out wrong info, he didn't claim it to be fact, he's always very careful about what he says. The only thing he's actually stated as outright is that 'it will happen', only time will tell if that's the case, as he said, it needs to play out which is what's happening now.
  9. Looking forward to that one. Fun game with drama and excitement. Was lucky enough to go to the game, so my recollection might be a bit biased but remember a good day in the sun. Right in the middle of that run of games where we were winning and playing well. With peak nufc Hatem also of course! Was a great game. Atmosphere was great. Suarez had been done for some racist abuse recently and got absolute pelters when the game was stopped for a while and he was in front of the Gallowgate. Was a quality game to be at, back when I had my season ticket in the back of the SE corner. Suarez got absolutely hammered, probably didn't give a shit mind, but it was fun.
  10. Still of the opinion it's just rumbling on, the buyers will know what's going on and really doubt they'll pull out, pissed off or not.
  11. it's been said by many for months that it takes 2-4 weeks, and that it would likely be 4 weeks factoring in COVID delays. many are confused as to why an approval would take 8 weeks given a company like the PL likely has more than enough resources at its disposal to juggle many things at once. it's absolutely incredible to me that anyone could find the PL CEO's comments about there being "no timescale" an acceptable answer to a business transaction. that is just unacceptable. you would never in a million years be OK with someone telling you "i have no timescale on making my decision to approve your purchase" if you were the one on the side of the table. Like i said though, does it really matter who said 4 weeks if it wasn't from the horses mouth? They've said there's no timescale, which I personally find understandable. I can't understand why anyone would put a timescale on a deal like this when they most definitely anticipated numerous complications, which is why the PL haven't given one. To me it seems all the 4 weeks stuff has been plucked from someones arse and people have rolled with it. I think it's been said the league gave this timeline to MA and PCP at the beginning. Well, that was my point in the original post, I've never seen where it came from, just journos claiming it..... So I don't really believe it now that I've actually seen Masters say there isn't one. If he's saying there isn't a timescale, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says. You said he could have been more clear, i think that's as clear as he can be, albeit not what we want to hear.
  12. it's been said by many for months that it takes 2-4 weeks, and that it would likely be 4 weeks factoring in COVID delays. many are confused as to why an approval would take 8 weeks given a company like the PL likely has more than enough resources at its disposal to juggle many things at once. it's absolutely incredible to me that anyone could find the PL CEO's comments about there being "no timescale" an acceptable answer to a business transaction. that is just unacceptable. you would never in a million years be OK with someone telling you "i have no timescale on making my decision to approve your purchase" if you were the one on the side of the table. Like i said though, does it really matter who said 4 weeks if it wasn't from the horses mouth? They've said there's no timescale, which I personally find understandable. I can't understand why anyone would put a timescale on a deal like this when they most definitely anticipated numerous complications, which is why the PL haven't given one. To me it seems all the 4 weeks stuff has been plucked from someones arse and people have rolled with it.
  13. I feel the same about literally every subject matter that crops up, there are experts in everything on here.
  14. People are complaining about it not being done in x amount of time, where are these time limits coming from? The premier league ceo(?) said there isn't a timescale. If there isn't a timescale, surely no journos have been given a timescale, ie all the 1st June bollocks etc is just that, bollocks. As george said, let it play out.
  15. Dunno why people do it to themselves. Must be constantly fuckin stressed.
  16. Absolute nonsense thread. Things like this shouldn't just be accepted and rushed through just to help the mental health of Newcastle fans Absolute nonsense post. No it wont change nowt and they won't be concerned about nufc fans mental health, but they should be concerned with an owner taking fans money for no reason and not giving them any clue about whats going on. I understand your reasons behind not wanting it to happen etc but not everything the 'pro takeover fans' say is bollocks. That lads most definitely bringing to light a few things that need to be said with regards to staff and refunds. They should be concerned with the current c*** of an owner taking the p*ss out of fans and staff. 100%. This is nowt to do with being anti or pro the takeover. Takeovers of companies take time , you can't just rush things through especially when possibly important information has just come to light, regarding the piracy thing. If they give a timeline of say 2 weeks, then what if more information becomes available in 13 days time that could affect the decision? You said its a nonsense thread when in his first post he brings up stuff about the furloughed staff and fans being given no clue as to whats happening with regards to their money. I'd normally say they're mugs for giving him it in the first place but it's not the point here. It's absolutely not nonsense, it's what the c*** in charge is doing, which needs to be said to people who matter. Probably won't make any odds but at least it's getting it out there. The reason i mentioned the pro stuff is because you seem to jump on anything they say. I've barely looked at this thread in a week like so I definitely don't jump on anything "they" say I feel sorry for the furloughed staff but you can't just put through the takeover because of that. I presume there is also some kind of confidentiality agreement where they can't discuss what stage they're at right now or if it's likely to go ahead Fair enough, i should have said most of your posts in here are jumping on people who are pro takeover. Again though thats not the point. The point was he's bringing valid points up and you said it's absolutely nonsense... Which it's absolutely not.
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