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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    St James' Park

    For whatever reason people seem to just keep ignoring this, I'm aware things can change and Ghodoussi doesn't have anywhere near the final say, but it was a pretty bold statement to come out with if he wasn't certain it was the case.
  2. Wilson

    In-house media

    Christ that was a tough watch
  3. As long as he doesn't push for a move, we haven't got owners who just want to cash in ASAP so I'm not too worried. There'll inevitably be interest from top clubs, but in my possibly massively naive opinion, I think he's happy, his family are happy, he's laid down some strong roots, he's enjoying being here, he can see our potential and strikes me as the type of player who wants to build a legacy and succeed rather than walk into ready made success, IE being just another player at a club winning everything. The connection with the fans seems important to him Time will tell when the offers come in.
  4. https://fb.watch/kQlqZxPSi9/ Found that amusing I love us.
  5. Wilson


    Fuckin brilliant.
  6. Wilson


    As evidenced by his jeans
  7. Wilson


    This is my experience of them as well.
  8. Entitled cunts. Have that up you. Can't stand them or the media fawning that goes with them.
  9. Said exactly this when I was in there. Was a bit ridiculous.
  10. Paul Gallant... another YouTube/insta wierdo.
  11. He's such a wierd bloke. I can't decide whether it's an act or not.
  12. https://streamable.com/1atqpz
  13. What a hideous logo that is
  14. I think it is Like a fucking optical illusion making it look all over the place.
  15. Trippier at the very end... 'good time for a documentary eh?' Can't fuckin wait for it.
  16. Wilson


    Have to admit, I was never registered on there but used to check the links posted on here.... right now I'm very curious as to how they're taking it over on Mordor.
  17. Yasser gave up before he hurt himself The 2 lads who done the challenge before them... christ they were poor!
  18. What's Mo Salah's weekly wage these days? Let them whinge and drink it in.
  19. Took the day off today, walk about up near Ebchester, home to twiddle my thumbs till the bairn finishes school then we're off to town. Can't wait for this... to take the car or not is the question.
  20. The entire size of the East stand man I fuckin love these beautiful bastards.
  21. What's the Aniston reference? No complaints... just feel like I've missed something!
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