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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. pazzini(at)/ronaldo(at)/falcao(at)/over 8 cards in the classico barca/atletico/valencia/fulham/spurs/celtic atletico/inter/lazio newcastle/liverpool-stoke draw usual 2-1 ben arfa anytime cabaye FGS 1-1 (fifa prediction) not too hopeful today tbh
  2. Where can you get that market?
  3. Wilson

    St James' Park

    A payday loan company that charges interest rates of about 3333% (not s*** either, it actually does). There has been calls from politicians, members of the public, and even journalists that companies like them should be banned. If their interest rates weren't bad enough they clearly target those who can't get credit and to make matters worse even if a customers payed back their loan on time and didn't default on payments then it does not positively effect their credit score. How is that legal? Thats the big question, it f***ing shouldn't be. aye, just wong on so many levels
  4. Wilson

    St James' Park

    probably to fund mass production of more 'whey aye man' costumes. nah. one-zeees
  5. Wilson

    St James' Park

    honestly man...it's as if they sat round thinking, what will they like less than SD just
  6. Wilson


    dunno why but got the giggles off that
  7. 'one james milner' the tramps will love that
  8. If u's mean I'm just making this up u's can all fuck off just passing on what me mate just said, he also said he doesn't believe it
  9. mates just sent me a text, someone he knows has a corporate box and 130 loyalty points, applied for bruges and this was the response:
  10. feeling a bit better about this after seeing yohan and cheick yesterday, particularly cabaye would have felt better again if Krul was back
  11. Wilson


    seriously, do these wierdos just make stuff up? http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=13566442&postcount=32
  12. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    was class tonight dat pass to obertan fr the first goal
  13. great stuff lisbon let my 7 fold down tonight
  14. havent a clue, but a little kid in front of me said 'look he's waving a sword around!' ... god knows what was going on fair play to their fans like
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