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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. http://www.uefa.com/draw-centre/cup=14/season=2013/round=2000356/popout/groups.html
  2. Wilson

    Deadline Day Thread

    Do you not think he knows all of what you just said? most likely aye, so it's a good job i'm saying it to him venting a bit frustration mate
  3. Wilson

    Deadline Day Thread

    "The Ryan Taylor injury will make me think about whether we perhaps need another defender" we needed 2 defenders before raylor was injured..."I shall go to see the chairman and have a discussion with him" ffs, aye now is the time to open discussions .... with the fucking chairman so frustrating this window
  4. wheres the best place to get live updates for this while i'm at work?
  5. Doubt the banners with random pictures of giggs would go down too well
  6. Aye, my only problem was that nearly every fuckin chant they started was Sunderland related.....really bugs me for some reason. But fair play them they created an atmosphere. I also hate the `shola from fenham` chant, irrelevant but thought I`d mention it
  7. played well in the first half, should have had another tho, too edgy in the last 25 mins oba and bigi were quality tonight, really like bigi and to think he's only 18 Some kid took his shoe off in front of me and tried to start 'shoes off....' ... telt him to put it back on cos he was blocking me view. They not half come out the woodwork for cup (and now europa league) games like. Half expected them to rip the sd signs down again. probably been mentioned but .... sports-direct.gr ... now available in Greece doesn't miss a trick Mike like
  8. aye, hoping to get a few pints in me before hand if i have time, takes away the shivers
  9. Bet x Decimals = Winnings Fractions = http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/592/my-brain-is-full-of-f***.jpg was gona post that first bit myself....much more straight forward than fractions
  10. Wilson


    think they'll get dempsey tbh, with the artie zhiff wages flying about
  11. that is depressing tbf, i had convinced myself that we weren't getting anyone else, but reading it is still like a kick in the stones
  12. Look like a team in serious need of a good... Pep talk. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lex6ab2qLJ1qdt4tzo1_250.gif
  13. barca need to step it up a gear
  14. was thinking this myself, means absolutely fuck all to us
  15. wembley v uxbridge on espn....the size of some of the players
  16. According to who? unless it's now being picked up elsewhere...
  17. http://i.imgur.com/xEZsI.gif
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