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Everything posted by LV

  1. Is that you Gabby? Be careful you don’t use your whole brain cell up in one go
  2. The fella has been here 2 years and presided over an absolute shitshow of mediocrity and telling us to know our place while being happy to take gold from that parasite of an owner who has drained the very lifeblood out of the club he professes to love. It’s no wonder the vast majority of us wanted him. People can absolutely hold that position AND be supportive of the new owners and excited about the times ahead. Telling people to get a grip for wanting him gone straight away is pretty damn disrespectful given what we’ve endured.
  3. Grim. Onwards and upwards.
  4. It’s literally nothing like it Juergen. Dummkopf!
  5. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/peddle
  6. I don’t think it’s indicative of their long term decision making and there are definitely exciting times round the corner but binning Bruce really was an easy early win for them for a clean break and a new era. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s going to take the shine off Sunday and the focus is all going to be on him. Not just from the fans but the media too. Look at what they are saying already about our ‘treatment’ of him.
  7. Yeah this sounds great. Exciting times ahead!
  8. And this is exactly why he should be gone. This exact thing. It’ll take the shine off the new start. I totally understand they were caught on the hop and things take time but this is not a top coaching team. It’s the 3 Steves of the Apocalypse. It may as well be academy coaches taking over. Hell, give them the experience for a bit. All Clemence does is out the cones out and listen to the other steves on his headset. No idea even what Agnew does. This lot have had us hovering over the relegation zone for two years man. They would not be missed and things would likely improve.
  9. I for one want to see Bruce gone before Sunday but I am also not expecting the league to be won any time soon. There are not just two camps on this point. Wanting Bruce gone by Sunday does not = swivel eyed ungrateful loon who expects Mbappe to arrive in Jan and win the league. There’s many shades of grey on this. These owners are a different world from Ashley and there are exciting times ahead but I just don’t want this idiot being part of any of it. It slightly takes the sheen off the whole thing and any real momentum. Note: slightly takes sheen off. Not PIF and Amanda out because he isn’t gone.
  10. Knowing what I know of psychologists, they are as much if not more unhinged than the people they study. In general, obvs
  11. No worries. Thanks for being reasonable mate.
  12. You’re being deliberately obtuse. Weird.
  13. Of course it will tarnish it. Note I said tarnish and not destroyed or any other hyperbole like that that some seem determined to twist my words into. Of course the new era will be tarnished by having him there. He’s a terrible manager, we are 19th, polls show fans overwhelmingly want him gone. We don’t want booing at the stadium for our first match under new ownership but that’s what’ll happen if he’s there.
  14. Not ‘therefore Jones and the players’ at all.
  15. Well that’s quite the leap to go from my use of the word ‘tarnished’ to ‘its game over for the new owners’ Absolutely not what I said. And of course the players and Jones shouldn’t be booed Madras. They weren’t the problem, Bruce was.
  16. Ridiculous argument. He should be gone. We need to start the new era with a clean break from the shite that’s gone before. We all need to be pulling in the same direction to build momentum - Club, manager, fans. With Bruce there it won’t happen as he’ll rightly be getting abuse and it’ll completely tarnish the new start. Get him gone and let Jones and some of the academy staff take over until a new manager is found.
  17. There’s academy coaches. Ben whatsisname and the like. I dunno get Shearer in to do some coaching or summat. Just get this guy tae fuck!
  18. LV

    Eddie Howe

    Is the poll about who we want or who we think we’ll get?
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