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Everything posted by LV

  1. Yeah none of that happened As far as I’m aware the worst was someone hoping he died of Covid and then being called cabbage heed. Vile abuse!!!!1111
  2. Who is this Pedro Almeida fella?
  3. I don’t want St James’s Park renamed. It’s intrinsically linked to the club and our history. If we win something I want it to be at St James’s Park not the Aramco Arena or anything like that. If we build a new stadium at some point then yeah ok. But I’d be kind of gutted if we even moved stadium.
  4. Ok sold. I’m all in on him now. Which means we’ll appoint that misery Gerrard
  5. He’s one of the most important Arsenal managers of the last 100 years. I hope they treat him with respect.
  6. I was born in Newcastle but my immediate family and me moved down south to near London when I was young. Its quite hard to express this in words that don’t sound simplistic or bitter or a conspiracy theory but there really is a bit of an agenda against the north in general but especially the north-east when it comes to football (and likely beyond that too). A lot of people from down that way have never been up north, they don’t understand it. They see it as backward. They enjoy the post-industrial stereotypes. A lot of them couldn’t even point to Newcastle on a map. They are scared of the unknown, the difference. A lot of people, and not just in the south, don’t want to see a strong Newcastle, it doesn’t fit their world view, it’s incongruent. They don’t want us to be seen as one of the most passionate sets of fans, they want us to know our place. Yo yo team. Deluded. ‘Who do they think they are?’ There is a definite agenda here, a regionalist xenophobia. I don’t entirely understand it myself but there is a definite bristling against us wanting to be better than we currently are. And this is what is behind a lot of what we are seeing and hearing right now.
  7. Barton should def be invited back into the fold by the new owners. He’s been brilliant about us for years and clearly loves the club and the fans
  8. Lee Sharpe was at Man U when he played there I think
  9. Yeah I agree. There does seem to be a gap in the market for a non-click bait station. Unfortunately everything seems to be about controversy and making people angry so they phone in/ subscribe/ click ads etc Shite
  10. Yes I apologise for posting the ravings of Agbonlahor. I just needed to rant about it to people who understood for my own mental health. If anyone can suggest to me another sport radio station aside from TalkSport (and that isn’t 5 Live) then please do. Ideally one that doesn’t have non-sport news on it.
  11. Gabby ‘The Professor’ Agbonlahor on Talkshite (I know, I know) this morning giving our fans pelters for calling Brucey names as if his own fans hadn’t invented said names and also given him abuse for being shite. All conveniently forgotten to suit the narrative. Honestly, most journalism in this country has become propaganda to suit a certain viewpoint. Facts are completely irrelevant now.
  12. That’s just more lies. He’s going for the sympathy vote.
  13. Yep. We were hated anyway and belittled constantly. Fuck em all.
  14. Fuck me, one of them wants Bruce AND Ashley
  15. He’s got to be a shoo in really. No doubt about it.
  16. Man U losing. Delicious. Ole should be gone soon. @Froggy Bruce is your man. He’s out of work now and as everyone says he’s a really good manager and a proper football man. Bring him home. Your fans would treat him with the respect and adulation that he deserves. What do you say?
  17. The ticker tape at the bottom ’200 kebab shops in Newcastle close down’
  18. Nah. He was bleating on about maybe retiring after being ‘exhausted by the criticism’ or some such. But it’s just part of his sob story tbh. He’ll be back at the trough as soon as he gets another poor sap to ‘give him a crack’
  19. Stop guessing Your itk shite has never been right
  20. Was he the rabbit fella?
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