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Everything posted by LV

  1. Wonder if it’ll be Staveley or Does he mean an actual political party? Doesn’t it just mean Chi Onwurah?
  2. Exactly, it’s not a level playing field at all. It does seem like the ladder has been pulled up now the top 6 are established.
  3. Here it is: I am writing to you as a constituent. As my local MP I would urge you to help me and thousands of other Newcastle United supporters get answers from the Premier League. On 5th August 2020 Newcastle United Supporters Trust wrote a statement asking that they support our call for transparency from the Premier League https://nufctrust.co.uk/news-story/nufc-takeover-statement-august-2020/ I am not writing to ask you to comment on the takeover of a football club or indeed a football matter. I am calling for you to help me get answers from the Premier League on their process: I ask that you write directly to the Premier League and ask them: 1) Why did a process which generally takes a month last so long, 17 weeks and counting, without coming to any decision? 2) Is it true that several Premier League clubs objected to the takeover and what influence do the views of competing clubs have in the approval process? 3) Do you agree that it is unacceptable to leave loyal fans in such doubt for so long and that the process needs to be improved? For example, it is clear certainly press was briefed but there was no dialogue or engagement with fans at all? 4) Do you think it is fair that Newcastle United has been left severely disadvantaged as a consequence of the delay? The supporters of Newcastle United have been ignored by the Premier League. The Premier League may have sound reasons for drawing out the takeover process for more than four months and the Premier League may have done everything they needed to do to protect their business and Newcastle United. We, the members of the Supporters Trust firmly believe our elected representatives must come together to get answers for football supporters. Please support the Newcastle United Supports Trust get the answers we deserve from the Premier League. Support the cross-party call to action
  4. I know its a bit of arse wiping but a simple form of words to cut and paste would simplify this greatly It auto fills the form for me, so all I had to do was confirm my address and then press send. Mind I'm not sure how useful sending a letter to a Cornish MP will be It says you can edit the template but no template comes up for me once I've filled the form in? You can just click directly into the template and amend it from there. At least, it worked for me. Where's the template though? I just get: WRITE TO MP ANDREW PERCY YOUR LETTER Your Letter Subject * Your Message * Ah right. Mine auto fills the letter. Not sure why yours isn’t.
  5. I know its a bit of arse wiping but a simple form of words to cut and paste would simplify this greatly It auto fills the form for me, so all I had to do was confirm my address and then press send. Mind I'm not sure how useful sending a letter to a Cornish MP will be It says you can edit the template but no template comes up for me once I've filled the form in? You can just click directly into the template and amend it from there. At least, it worked for me.
  6. I know its a bit of arse wiping but a simple form of words to cut and paste would simplify this greatly It auto fills the form for me, so all I had to do was confirm my address and then press send. Mind I'm not sure how useful sending a letter to a Cornish MP will be Letter sent to my local MP (Bristol)
  7. Always a good sign when a movement lapses into fake quotes and conspiracism. Engage your brains man. Back under your bridge you
  8. Bet we’ve had a few Villa/Fulham (just weird)/Mackems sign up on here recently on the wind up
  9. She won't because she's a flat out liar. People still thinking they might come back in - if she does it'll be another long, failed affair. Jog on son.
  10. No they won't, they could care less what happens as long as we don't start threatening the footballing royal family clubs, i.e., Manchester, Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea. They'd probably be more than happy to see us finish 13-17th under Ashley/some other cunt with limited funds. Yep. They’ll need also-ran teams for their favourite clubs to beat
  11. It’s clear as day now that the Premier League is a closed shop that only exists to benefit the current top 6 teams and that they don’t want anyone else upsetting that particular applecart. Probably because the PL itself is a money making gravy train who are shit scared that the top 6 break away and form a superleague thus cutting off their revenue streams. So they’ll do anything to keep the top 6 happy. Corrupt fucks.
  12. "The delay is Ashley and not with PL" The was GM speculating no? Yep, that was GM’s take.
  13. Yeah it’s totally unclear. Not sure why I’m getting involved in the speculation
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