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Everything posted by LV

  1. Stevie Bruce’s PFM Army
  2. Honestly man Any manager worth their salt finds a way to play him, whatever the rest of the team at their disposal. Agreed. Anyone saying anything different is fucking clueless IMHO. You shouldn't even want a player like Ben Area to track back, there's 10 other players on your team who can do that. Absolutely. I’d have built my team around him. Imagine having to have been managed by Bruce and Pardew with a talent like that... tragic.
  3. Fat though apparently. Didn’t track back.
  4. How the hell do you go from an article being taken down to ‘woe is me, it’s all over’ in the space of a few seconds??
  5. He’s an absolute classless oaf. How anyone can back him...
  6. But but but, they're Bruce's buys? Caulkin has as much a clue as Edwards. He built a reputation on being significantly more articulate that the typical local journalist and having a tenuous friendship with Staveley which has been shown up to be worth less than a slice of dung smeared toast. I'd be happy to state that people on this forum know as much about what has gone on as Caulkin does after the last few months. Rrrrrright.
  7. It’s surely just an image MMA has searched for and found right? To use in a tweet.
  8. Yep, looks like someone from chickentown has been allowed on his ma’s phone while she’s having a tab
  9. Apparently that twitter account’s bio a few days ago was: ‘This account is for hunting spaka toon fans’
  10. LV

    General press coverage

    Fewming. Send my regards to your hair and personality next time you see them. :lol:
  11. LV


    I thought it was something to do with a work permit. You’re unlikely to get one if you’re not a full international unless a huge fee is paid.
  12. Yep that’s how I see it but more as a 4-4-1-1 with Almiron behind the goal-shy Brazilian fella
  13. He surely hasn’t put Krafth and Manquillo in central defence??
  14. Krafth at CB? 4-4-1-1?? I’m struggling with this one
  15. You say that like they aren't all utterly obsessed Ha yeah I know what you mean but this one def feels like a fan of ours. And, how can I put this, seems pretty eloquent and switched on.
  16. I don’t think it was ever a mackem They knew too many intricate details about us imo
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