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Everything posted by LV

  1. Well it's not is it. He has connections over there, someone asked what he's heard and that's what he's heard. Just as, if not more, trustworthy as anything you've put up on here. Geordie Dentist knows what he’s talking about man. And he wasn’t commenting on the no comment from BZG. Like Wilson said, he was commenting on what he’s heard from his contacts.
  2. I’m getting the word ‘WUM’
  3. LV

    Alternatives to NUFC

    I’ll take a passing interest in football and I’ll def still be on here but never going back to the stadium or buying any merch until that fucking leech has gone from our club.
  4. Aye, no plan B. It’s all coming up a bit Neil Redfearn
  5. Aye you did. Unfortunately i started all the shenanigans off when i said i was having a jaffa cake the other day He said it again! He said it again!
  6. There comes a point when enough enough though and you have to make a stand. End of a contract is as good a point as any.
  7. I don’t know who’s taking the piss or who’s serious any more
  8. Imagine him with his ‘I came 5th in the Premier League’ schtick, thinking he’s the saviour of US soccer. I give it 2 months before he’s wearing a Stetson.
  9. Except he doesn't, our transfer activity proves that. They might not sign players he doesn't want, but they sure as f*** aren't signing his first choices either. He may never get his first choice but no player comes or goes without Rafa's approval. How do you even know what he’s been offered anyway?
  10. It's a disgraceful article. If he choose another top club in Europe, he'd be handsomely paid more than what he's on now. Edwards was on Talksport earlier spouting the same shite too. They introduced his segment by playing that ridiculous Harmison piece from yesterday too where he blamed Rafa for leaving us in the lurch if he went now.
  11. What a shit article. I can hardly believe Rafa wanted a pay rise and the blame is solely at Ashley’s door
  12. If Ashley stays the club is essentially just Sports Direct United wearing Newcastle United colours. Utterly pointless following tbh
  13. LV[/member] He's 100 percent going to eventually manage the National Team. Might even get a green card. Run for Pres.
  14. He’s gonna go full bullshit over there isn’t he. Enjoy that Mike[/member] and all you others in the States
  15. Ashley loves a gamble so wouldn’t surprise me if he risked scuppering a deal by moving the goalposts in order to try to squeeze a few more million out of a potential buyer at the last minute.
  16. Kenyon’s deal never got off the ground as he couldn’t get the investors on board. Doubt much has changed there. He’s never been owner material. Ashley might very well be playing some last minute asshole moves with BZG, or maybe it’s the other way around.. There’s a reason the Bishop machine sprung to life this week. Why? Maybe it’s all good to go and the reports about them wanting Mourinho are true? So they wait and let Benítez walk and Ashley gets all the flack. Who would have been the owner? He wouldn't have been the owner. It probably got a lot closer than you realise tbh.
  17. If anyone accepts that (especially with the new kit deal and sponsorship deals coming up next year) then they are not the right people to lead the club forward. Agree about Kenyon as he was like a common whore trying to get the money together so that he could meet the asking price; and he failed badly at it. He'll 10000000% choose the deal that represents his long term interests best. Bearing in mind we are a profit making enterprise, he could tie in some long term revenue streams through NUFC, by choosing the most ply-able buyers. Which, if he does sell, is certainly what he'll do. If there's a shite owner that suits him, that's what we'll end up with. But..but..but.. he cares about Newcastle and will only sell to someone who will take he club forward. Dennis and Rio said.
  18. Met him at a charity so once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.
  19. Talksport is also being broadcast from a pub in Headingly today so that might explain a lot too.
  20. That’s got to mean Rafa is staying if true. No way Ashley would sanction that of his own accord.
  21. Yeah that’s the only bit that scared me too.
  22. My reading of that article is that Caulkin doesn’t really know what’ll happen with Rafa either. Certainly doesn’t say Rafa will definitely leave. I can’t see him going to China and there are no other openings in the Premier League so...... Maybe I’m just an eternal optimist.
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