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Everything posted by LV

  1. But do they have plastic bins full of ice and blow up paddling pools like we do? And we’ve got a borehole.
  2. LV

    Graham Carr

    No Rafa. Not bothered if it’s Alan Carr that comes in.
  3. Thanks Rafa Fuck off Ashley
  4. Interesting use of the word ‘yourselves’
  5. Can you précis that? It’s a podcast
  6. Wouldn’t even care if it was Rui Paul
  7. He also had a long term plan for us. Not sure if that can be said for anyone else that’s managed us recently. I’m still fucking livid he’s gone.
  8. Hang on. You've continued to go to the match for the TWELVE YEARS that Ashley has owned the club, yet anybody who doesn't pack it in now (i.e. at the exact same time as you have) is being called spineless and various other s*** over multiple posts Man, that's absolutely f***ing hilarious So you can't see that managing to f*** off the best, most ambitious and - crucially - strategic manager we've arguably ever had (KK, as much as I love him, never looked to and planned for the long-term like Rafa did), and a manager who has given us a reason to both stick things out and cling to the cherished ritual of a hone matchday, is not the logical final straw for many of us? If you can't appreciate that THIS is the watershed moment, I pity you. Not sure that was his point.
  9. We’d soon come back up though if we were the next Man City! I’d bite your hand off for that scenario
  10. Absolutely. There’s enough negativity around as it is without us turning on each other for opinions.
  11. I actually don’t think relegation will get rid of him and even if it does and he cuts his losses (he won’t) do we really want to be bought by some chancer like the Don down the road? Wish I had an idea how to get rid of him but I don’t think relegation is it.
  12. He won’t give a fuck. He doesn’t care.
  13. Which part of the story are you saying doesn’t tie with their statement? Are you talking about the PA news thing from yesterday saying there are no ongoing owner and director tests by the FA? This one and the “price has been agreed”. You may call me naive but the first statement by BZG was saying something like the deal was close to completion that 1. Price has been agreed (with Ashley signature) 2. Proof of funds provided 3. Awaiting the proper test Now if this is real, then what can Ashley do to hold up the deal other then refusing to sign the last paper? Ok fine I can give the benefit of the doubt to BZG as Ashley is a real cunt. But now if FA comes out and say there was no proper test carrying out, then you should wonder how credible was the first statement. Another scenario could be BZG simply called off the process. I’d never call you naive mate and I’m immensely cynical about a sale myself but I do think BZG are serious and that they are not lying. First, knowing a bit of the culture of the gulf and of Islam, if BZG have a signed agreement then they believe that this is binding. This might not be how Ashley works but the code of honour in the gulf is that a signed statement is as good as giving your word that you will honour it. I genuinely believe that they think it was done at this point. There’s no reason to doubt that they gave proof of finances. Don’t think any doubt has been cast on this anywhere. May be wrong. The owners and directors test: where did PA news get this info from that there is no ongoing test? And why do we think it’s any more true just because they have said it? Their source could just as well be wrong. Maybe the tests are done and that’s why they are saying there are no ongoing tests. If they haven’t been done then the onus is on Ashley to send the paperwork in to the Premier League. Maybe he’s fucking about and hasn’t done this yet as he’s trying to get more money out of BZG or a rival bid by playing them off against each other. So in my opinion I think BZG are the real deal and haven’t lied, they are just dealing with a duplicitous, greedy sociopath and if any deal does collapse it’s on Ashley and Ashley alone.
  14. Which part of the story are you saying doesn’t tie with their statement? Are you talking about the PA news thing from yesterday saying there are no ongoing owner and director tests by the FA?
  15. Would you characterize them as gullable?
  16. LV

    Kevin Keegan

    There have been a weird amount of new signups recently for sure.
  17. Mitch said all along that the Companies House thing had to be related because the project was called 'Project Monochrome'. But why reveal ”Project Monochrome” after the company was created and not mention it before? The ”Heads of Terms” cropped document he posted have I seen on Twitter before. Two weeks ago. He first posted it a few weeks ago. It’s not new from him. Really? Where? On his twitter feed.
  18. Mitch said all along that the Companies House thing had to be related because the project was called 'Project Monochrome'. But why reveal ”Project Monochrome” after the company was created and not mention it before? The ”Heads of Terms” cropped document he posted have I seen on Twitter before. Two weeks ago. He first posted it a few weeks ago. It’s not new from him.
  19. Geordie Dentist has seen the heads of terms document apparently and this is what was in it: https://twitter.com/geordiedentist/status/1144637788748505089/photo/1 See the replies for more info, there’s also a photo of part of the document he saw. Upshot is that Ashley wants free advertising for a coupe of years.
  20. Couldn’t give a rat’s ass about preseason or the actual season tbh Pointless
  21. Ok cheers So you think it’s credible? I just don’t see it as any different to what some of the nationals have reported already and a lot of people didn’t believe those reports.
  22. What do you mean by a bi-lateral message?
  23. The Press Association statement is nothing new though is it? I don’t think it changes anything Mark Douglas and some of the nationals have been saying this stuff about no exclusivity and no premier league fit and proper test throughout haven't they? What makes the Press Association thing suddenly more credible?
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