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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Disappointing that’s it’s one ticket per member, going to be difficult going with family or mates now which takes a bit of the experience away


    If you're all members you can link your accounts on the ticketing page and book as many that are linked. Be able to sit together that way.

  2. Has it ever been confirmed that we can actually extend? I was sure I read something about Ashley selling the land behind the Gallowgate, meaning we couldn’t. Could be wrong.

  3. 1 minute ago, Dr Venkman said:

    Yes and no. It depends how the link is classified in the system. For example, I am able to buy one for my son as I have bought tickets since the cutoff which I assigned to his supporter number. However, I'm also linked to a friend but I haven't bought tickets and assigned them to his number, therefore I can't buy him a ST. There's a star next to those who you can buy ST's for.


    I have a star next to both (you can manually add that tbf, make it a strong connection or something). Thanks for confirming - good luck!

  4. Just now, jack j said:

    What about the increase in corporate boxes getting away tickets  surely that's more of a piss take then penalising someone who's went over the years and got the points

    Don’t want people with points to get penalised at all. They should always get first dibs on tickets.

    But why shouldn’t others get the chance to build them up too? The argument that ‘plenty go to 0’ is basically redundant now. Realistically, it’ll take well over a decade to get 50+ points (which will get you fuck all now), and that’s assuming you go to absolutely every game that might go to 0. 

    Understand football is mainly for the here and now, but we need to give future generations a fighting chance of having what we had

  5. A % of away tickets should 100% go into a ballot. Like others have touched on, it’ll become a closed shop, and those with 100s of points will just keep adding points when only going to 1 or 2 a season.
    They should never lose them points, but a ballot for a % of aways and building up points via all home games (ST holders should be awarded 5 or something for renewing too) as well as purchasing food/drink in SJP should be a way to build up points. Maybe purchases at club shop too (with a membership/ST).

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    I think I'm just going to stick with my original plan of attempting to transfer my grandad's ticket from his name to mine - he's 87 now, had his ticket for 75 years and wants to keep it in the family (as we did with another ticket back in the 90's) but he's unable to go to all the games, especially when the weather is awful.


    Just create an online profile for him (if he doesn't already have it) and change name to yours. No need to inform the club etc.

  7. 3 minutes ago, neesy111 said:


    Thats what the membership scheme is for.


    Definitely agree, but it's not exactly hard to get one. They've probably got feedback from other clubs, I'm sure I read Anfield is only 50% ST holders, and their atmosphere doesn't seem to suffer in the bigger games.

  8. 3 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

    How do you know if you’re eligible?


    Theres nothing clear on the website to suggest it?





    That's what I'm wondering too, but I reckon if you can see that ^ you are eligible. 

  9. 1 minute ago, neesy111 said:

    More tickets on general sale the better, gives more people opportunity to go to games on a casual basis especially with the economic situation that's about to happen.


    Agree to a certain extent but I just hope it doesn't become a place full of tourists. Might sound harsh, but nothing worse than seeing stills of a player celebrating at Old Trafford and 80% of fans in the image are taking photos/recording. Understand we probably will attract a new type of fan as time goes on, but you want to keep the atmosphere as close to possible as last season, when I assume the majority of the crowd were ST holders and fans who'd given up under Ashley with a new lease of life.


    Only time will tell I suppose. Were never going to please everyone.

  10. 1000 tickets and the structure of how to purchase is very disappointing tbh. What if you wanted to take your child or like most people, want to sit with friends/family?


    Never mind. Game to game it is.

  11. 1 minute ago, Hovagod said:

    I might be wrong, but I do think a huge part of this is the fact that we’re going to spend loads and start competing. If some generic American hedge fund were in charge, doing some limp social media stuff about Sunderland lol, I think these conversations would be very different. I know that it doesn’t apply to you and others though- really shit if people who stopped going genuinely to get rid of Ashley can’t get back in.


    You could be right to be honest. But I just think when you've wanted something to happen for 13 years (after Keegan leaving was when it started), it was always going to be like it has been. I was worried my spark had completely gone, but it returned almost immediately. Imagine it was the same for others, but guess there are some who just had a smile to themselves without really giving too much of a fuck. It's sad the Ashley era done that to people.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

    This leads to a genuine- albeit slightly ungenerous- question. Would those who got rid of their season ticket to do their bit to remove Ashley be clamouring so much if his replacement had been the new Burnley owners, or even Southampton’s? Quite possibly in lots of cases, but I think that many, just as I was, were just bored and worn out. 


    Definitely. I have had similar conversations with clients over the past 6/7 months. I think the scenes outside SJP on takeover night, as well as the demand for tickets would be identical if anyone had bought us. The media just like to portray the narrative that we're all sportswashed fools. The celebration and demand is purely down to NUFC being Ashley-free for the first time in 14 years. Yes, the owners being wealthy does help, but I'd imagine 99% of fans would be desperate for a Season Ticket with more or less anyone owning the club tbh. Might be wrong.

  13. Just now, TheGuv said:

    I didn’t get a membership as I knew it had zero impact on 2022-23 season ticket sales. 


    And nor should it. Fairest way is a free for all. It won't suit my particular circumstances, but it is the fairest way to do it. But God only knows how the website will cope.

  14. It annoys me how they get tickets for away games like. 

    46 minutes ago, OCOCOL said:

    I am a member but this looks like a cabal of jonny come lately public schoolboys who are power mad in my opinion. Did anyone see Alex at an away game 5years ago. Did they fk and I would question how he gets tickets tbf. 


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