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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. I think the only fair wait to do it is general sale. Like others have said, how far do you go?


    As for loyalty points, I did just used to think they should be permanent, and I probably still do. But there is also the argument that people with over say 50/60pts just buy tickets for others, thus building theirs up and the other person not getting a point. 

    I understand why it happens, I used to do it myself (both asking and getting for someone), but maybe 10/20% of away tickets should go in a ballot for people with 0-whatever the minimum is for that game. For example, Wolves away, 80pts. 20% of allocation is randomly selected from fans with 0-79pts. 

  2. I know we're probably a fair amount of time away from this (hopefully not for Europa...) but we will surely struggle to have 4x homegrown players for European competitions? I think you need 4 to have been trained at your club before 21, don't you?


    Have to get Harper to come out of retirement or something. Hopefully Anderson and White are decent enough for a squad place too.

  3. The best quote I've seen on RTG in a long time :lol:



    'I think this needs to be addressed. The thinking that he is a dinosaur, a hothead, a loose canon, is predominantly based on his playing days, and yes, back then, was probably correct.
    He is 50 years old now, and has matured, both in his outlook, and his tactical ability and knowledge of the game.
    People change with age. I joined the forces because if I hadn't I would probably have done time. Even in the Navy, I was permanently in the shit. Ffs, I hoyed a taxi driver into the water in Plymouth dockyard once, because he had no change for a tenner'



  4. Hopefully the fact we eventually scored more than 1 in a game since November gives the players huge confidence, as we basically are going to have to outscore them. Cannot see us keeping a clean sheet whatsoever. We're definitely playing better and players should be full of confidence.


    We're likely to see an unchanged line up, save for Burn/Manquillo in for Targett.


    I think it'll be a decent game. Villa aren't exactly known for being defensively sound, but they've definitely improved under Gerrard. Certainly beatable, and a win would be huge given Burley & Norwich have Liverpool & Man City respectively. It's a good test for us, a win and we can start looking up at the likes of Brentford and targeting them.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Wilson said:


    Do we know when? 

    My best guess would be mid-late June , but fuck knows. There’ll be at least 20k after the remaining tickets if you ask me.

  6. Man, I know you can say this loads of times over a season, but if only we’d held on against Watford.


    Does feel like a corner has been turned though, IF we can beat Villa then I’ll be so confident. There’ll be twists and turns yet to come but as long as we can keep the likes of Trippier & ASM fit we should be alright.


    If we had Wilson I’d be at a -5. Right now I’m probably at a 5, it’s NUFC after all, we generally can’t have nice things. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    I’m going to wait outside the box office over night and make sure I get one. 


    Me too, work permitting. We should NOT publicise this on social media and keep it a N-O secret. Don’t want 1000s there like :lol:

  8. Tried to avoid this Greenwood shit as it completely turns my stomach. Got 2 sisters under 21 and a 2 year old daughter and the thought of anybody doing anything similar is one of the worst things that can come into my head, hence avoiding it. I watched my own Mother get thrown about the house as a child from an alcoholic, pathetic excuse of a 'step-father'. This incident with Greenwood did hit home. I heard the audio when my Mrs showed me and I just couldn't believe it. It's really sad that the girl felt the need to record the abuse, but thank God she did. That clearly shows that it wasn't an isolated incident and she was expecting it. Fucking heartbreaking, man.


    Thankfully, I've not seen anybody defend Greenwood, despite people indicating there have been examples of this. I do hate seeing people say 'he's fucked his career'. Fuck that. He's fucked her life. That's the crucial bit here. Her life is worth a million careers. Fuck him and anyone who says this.


    Now in no way shape or form am I defending Greenwood - he's a fucking scumbag and should see out his days behind bars - but I do think (people have maybe touched on this but I've kept away from thread) that it's just the finest example of the way we treat young footballers. Probably since he was 8/9 years old, he's had everyone tell him he's fucking amazing. He can't be touched. Had absolutely everything on a plate for him from a young age, and likely a multi-millionaire whilst a teenager. Probably feels like God to his school mates/family, so the fucking prick has decided he can treat a woman's body like an object. A toy he can just abuse at will. It's nauseating, I hope the poor girl and her family get all of the support they need. I almost feel guilty typing that as it seems like a defence - it really isn't. I'm just trying to say that footballers, especially high profile players at big clubs get treat like royalty from a young age, although absolutely no excuse to abuse a woman (or anybody).


    Obviously there is thousands and thousands of examples of decent young men who've had the above treatment and not done this. Thankfully, he is an anomaly (that we know of). I can't see any logical reason why he won't go to prison, and I hope his family disown him. The sad thing is when he eventually leaves prison, he'll still be sitting on a fortune. Is there any way he can have his career earnings seized, or is that ridiculous? I have no idea if it's possible from a court/legal perspective.


     It's really sad that she will remember the abuse forever. When she makes new intimate relationships, she will likely always remember the abuse she suffered in her early adult life, at the hands of someone she trusted. She really will need help and I'm confident she will get it. I hope Man Utd - none of this is their fault of course - can try to offer some form of support in private. It would be a nice touch if she could get the best possible professional help without any financial outlay, as she's probably just a normal girl from a normal family. I really do send all of my love to her - she is so, so strong. Probably more than she knows in her young age.

  9. Everton have just chucked money at it without a real plan. They've hired 2 DOF to my knowledge - Walsh from Leicester & Brands? It's still not worked, signing 3 CAMs one window alongside players who would be perceived risky was always a recipe for disaster.


    I think if you want to be successful you need longevity and a clear plan. You may have a season or two where expectations aren't met, but unless it gets really bad, I'm all for sticking to a specific manager/coach for a prolonged who is on the same page as the appointed DOF with a clear plan in place. Even if you change manager, as long as your plan/project/ethos fits with a new manager, then eventually you will see the rewards. See Man City - they were successful under Mancini & Pellegrini, but they've went up about 5 gears since they've had Guardiola. Leicester too - when they've had bad seasons where they've changed manager, but the plan is generally adhered to with a new man in charge.


    Like someone above touched on, there's a lot our owners can learn, specifically from Everton. To be fair, the players we have been (strongly) linked with seem to be targeting areas we desperately need improvement in, which I think is very encouraging, despite no DOF or proper structure in place yet.


    PS Fuck Everton. 

  10. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Apart from the day the takeover was actually done 


    Just now, Joey47 said:


    If the leaks are coming from the seller/player's side, what does that have to do with the club?


    Christ, are we not allowed to hold an opinion other than they're absolutely perfect? They're learning on the job, I get that. What they've done for the city and the boost they've given thousands will never be appreciated more. But plenty has leaked; Ashworth, Emery, Trippier, Carlos, Botman - yes, leaks on transfers may well come from the seller, but let's not sit and pretend absolutely nothing has came from our end.

  11. Concerned another club may come in, but more concerned basically everything since PIF/Staveley/Reuben were first linked to NUFC has been played out very much in the public eye. Someone can't hold their tongue.


    Bets suspended on it being Mehrdad.


  12. Kane was nothing, if I remember correctly- Sherwood was caretaker or something and had a bit of a striker crisis, so had to play him. Similar situation with Rashford I think, can't remember much fanfare about either (certainly not on FM :lol: ) prior to them breaking into the squads or as youngins, although I could be wrong. They got in by accident and have stayed there - makes you wonder how many kids/young players just need a run of games, there'll be 1000s that slip through.

  13. 7 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    I think a lot of people thought he should leave. Pep treated him with kid gloves, which was the exact right thing to do. Used him very sparingly and now is reaping the rewards. And yeah agree with with both your points.


    Me included! I thought he was going to stifle his career. It's almost as if Pep Guardiola with his 30 trophies as a coach knows more than me.

  14. 8 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Yeah and pep took a lot of stick for that iirc.


    To be fair, wasn't the stick Pep took directly in relation to Foden? Think Pep's argument was he's better off around first-team training, and it looks to be correct in this instance. I am pro-loan too though, I suppose Foden is once in a generation sort of talent.

  15. Good insight 1878, I can remember years ago when we linked to Adam Nonceon from Man City and being fucking buzzing, whereas Man City fans were commenting on how he's a pure MOTD player and will only look good for 10 minutes a game or something. It's important to listen to what that set of fans say about a specific player/manager as they watch them week in, week out. We only see glimpses and it can give a distorted perspective of the situation. Obviously in this case I knew it was bad (Rafa at Everton) but your posts really do summarise it well.


    I absolutely loved him here to the point where I packed in my Season Ticket after 17 years or something when he left. I think he's been horrendous at Everton but it was a horrendous appointment. It's entirely possible to think he's done a shit job there, but done a good job at NUFC, though. Not really rose-tinted specs, I just think he improved us massively, whereas he's obviously done the polar opposite @ Goodison. Was heartbroken the day he left.


    Definitely wouldn't have him back, though. Think I agree that he's been left behind a tad by the modern game.


    Don't think he'd ever agree to it, but maybe international management would suit him better these days.

  16. Agreed, it's very important we win to build a bit of momentum after the great performance against Man Utd, however I do think with us having a huge couple of games in the league I'd certainly not be starting ASM or Joelinton (don't actually think the former is fit anyway?), and I definitely wouldn't play Trippier :lol: 


    After everyone was buzzing for the Brentford game with it being the first for Howe, only for COVID to strike, it would be sod's law for Trippier to play tomorrow and do his ankle or something, such is our luck. I'd probably go; Woodman, Krafth, Lascelles, Clark, Ritchie (them last two eurgh, but not much else), Longstaff, Willock, Almiron, Murphy, Gayle, Fraser. Might be tempted to play Anderson instead of Willock, but I'd definitely go strong and try and win the game early, then able to rest the likes of Fraser & Willock.


    Really looking forward to it actually, can't remember the last time I was so excited for a home cup game. Probably Preston in the League Cup in October 2016 - hopefully a similar scoreline tomorrow.

  17. Not taking out away from Reuben, but his family matching food bank donations whilst being Tory party donors is quite ironic.


    Really fancied last night but couldn’t bring myself to get tickets to listen to that prick Hurst.

  18. 13 hours ago, xLiaaamx said:

    I thought I wasn't gunna be able to fully get back in emotionally, I was still following all the news a lot, but against Spurs I still didn't really have that jump up and down feeling when we scored


    It was there against Brighton though. Straight up out the seat the second Hayden's shot hit the back of the net. Straight up in frustration when Wilson went down after looking like he would score.


    Same here regarding Spurs game. I definitely am more invested than I have been since Benitez left, but doesn't feel the same. I think that will change if I get my season ticket back (hopefully).

  19. Not sure this is the correct thread, but do any other clubs have a group of fans who are so desperate to be celebrities as our lot?


    Wraith, Hurst and others. It’s hideous to watch man. Proper all think they’re pure ITK as well. Fucking helmets the lot of them, embarrassing and cringey as fuck. I must have muted about 15 accounts on Twitter. Even that Franchi kid is an annoyingly little twat 

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