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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 1 minute ago, Froggy said:

    Terry is the best defender in PL history for me like. No pace but he was so good at reading the game he didn't need it.


    What is this alternate universe where Van Dijk is not lauded as the best central defender not just in PL history, but the history of world football! How dare you even suggest anyone is better than him!


    I quite agree though. Terry was fantastic, despite being a racist pig. Him and Carvalho being central to a defence that only conceded 15 (I think) over 38 games is crazy.

  2. 31 minutes ago, macphisto said:

    I wouldn't worry too much about teens attending away games when they'll struggle to attend home games. 

    It's something that needs looked at, we need to protect future generations and the opportunities they get to go to the match. I say this as a father mind, so I do have motive, but the demand for tickets is going to far exceed anything I could have possibly imagined really.

  3. 1 minute ago, SteV said:

    I think that’s fair. In the past the argument has been (with some justification), do the unfashionable games and in time you’ll get your reward. We’ll see how things progress going forward, but if we reach a point where you haven’t even got a hope of doing those games (and I’m especially thinking of youngsters just starting out), then something will need to change.


    Basically agree with this, and the point regarding unfashionable games. However, and this is just an opinion of course, I think the unfashionable games going forward will probably be like midweek games in the South which is probably impossible for any youngns to get to. But hypothetical of course, like you say let's see what happens.

  4. Don't expect my ticket (or points back, however nice that would be) but I will fly the flag forever that 1) Loyalty points should be permanent & 2) the system is reviewed. Because of demand going forward, the Loyalty points need reviewed because it will become a closed shop. I've got a ticket for Burnley for example, whilst the person who got me it has been to 1 away game in 4 years, just constantly uses his points to get others tickets. Therefore he gains a point, whereas others spend the money/effort etc. I've done this myself in the past, so understand it's slightly hypocritical.


    There should either be a ballot in place for a % of the away tickets for people with less than the required points it starts at, or people are given the opportunity to build up points by cup games, renewals and even things like purchases at the club shop. That way, in 3/5/10 years, it will be more of a level playing field and kids who start out now will get the chance to experience away games like many of us did as teens.

  5. They just assume they're going to win. They probably will, but the arrogance is rotten.


    Not many things more delightful than these fucking up at Wembley. Would be glorious.

  6. Not been through the thread but hoping Nobby Solano has a few mentions. 7/10 all of the time. Not mentioned in the same breath as Robert/Ginola and even Ben Arfa, but I’d have him over all of them. Loved him. 

  7. Think they’ll finally go up this year. But they’re a million miles away from competing at the top end of the Championship. Utter shit, and fucked financially it would seem.

  8. I think TAA is overrated personally. Don't get me wrong, he's got a fantastic delivery and suits that system perfectly, but the way people go on he's the best ever.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Rafalove said:






    He's a cock him. All over twitter giving it large since the twitter. Muted him (never followed, but always popped up on my timeline).

  10. On 24/04/2022 at 20:44, Fantail Breeze said:

    Modern day football fans.


    Man Utd penalty at Arsenal yesterday, how many phones in view? Just fucking enjoy the moment ffs. 

    I hate videos like that in general, you can’t properly understand the scenes of celebrating a goal, it doesn’t capture it at all.




    same at gigs now too. Who even watches the videos back? Or is it purely for a few likes on social media? Shite like.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Paulmn said:

    @Doctor Zaius, @SteV, @AyeDubbleYoo - Thanks for your helpful responses. 


    Have their generally been lots left for recent games when they've first gone on sale to members? 


    Any idea how much a membership is?  It's not on the ticket website anymore for this season.


    About £40, I think.


    The club need to basically limit the amount ST holders can buy to maybe 1, and the rest to members.


    Regarding how many go on sale, I'd guess about 10-15k, but they're going more or less straight away atm. Hence why so many are shitting their kegs about getting a ST for next year :lol:

  12. There’s nothing quite as magic is when the entire fan base is completely connected with a manager. When they come around it’s fucking amazing.

    City feels alive and bouncing for the first time in a long, long time. 

  13. 2 hours ago, LFEE said:

    They can only propose it to the club at the end of the day but if it’s the majority will of it’s members then it will and any SM backlash is irrelevant. I wish you luck as I know many people in a similar boat as you, some as prominent as NUST and WorFlag members, genuine fans like yourself who simply thought enough was enough last summer.

    Thanks mate. Fingers crossed. Just really pisses me off seeing fans having a pop at each other when we really have all we’ve ever wanted now. Just enjoy it. But we will see!

  14. 7 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Can’t see how you’ve been misled after reading that link. Also there’s nothing been said to say they aren’t doing this. Since the new owners have arrived there hasn’t been a single season ticket. In fact the new owners via the NUST seemed to of made noises that ST’s won’t be sold on the normal first come first served basis so maybe something is in the pipeline with regards to those with proof of Loyalty Points given to the NUST. Have you asked them?



    Hi mate. Yeah I've spoken to a few of them (via socials) and the most recent reply I had was 'we will think about this and potentially look to put it to our members'. I probably should have put that in my original post though.


    Maybe I'm reading it wrong to be honest, and apologies if so. But if they do as they have said on the website, I'll be shocked.


    EDIT: I do think recent backlash on Twitter etc from those who've retained tickets and the attitude towards those who cancelled has had an impact on this scheme. But that's just a hunch.

  15. One thing I will say about the loyalty points issue - I do feel like the Trust completely misled thousands in 2019 with the loyalty point retention scheme. I know me, my friends and family who cancelled with generally at least 80+ each, done it with a massively heavy heart but had full confidence in the Trust to approach new owners as per their website. I'd even go as far as saying many probably wouldn't have cancelled if not for this scheme. For those not familiar with the scheme; https://nufctrust.co.uk/loyalty-points/ . As you can see, a clear plan on what they were going to do. No ifs/buts/or votes. 


    That being said, I knew the risks upon cancellation so can have no complaints, I just think it was a quick way to gain a spike in membership for the Trust. My guess would be they're going to put this to a vote as per their latest email, and will shot down quick as fuck by many.

  16. 12 minutes ago, jack j said:

    To be fair like if there is only 2k with over 100 then they could be able to ballot a certain amount for most aways if it does start becoming a closed shop

    I do see the point of view of up and coming fans not getting a chance to build their points up if it doesn't drop to zero but why should I lose mine just because my circumstances have changed. Having kids etc means a can only do a few a season now not 15/16s. Remember when a was a youngun and couldn't get one for the 4-1 derby at the sos. Was tough shit. Been plenty opportunities for season ticket holders to build their points over the last few years

    I definitely don't think you should lose them mate, at all. You deserve them. 


    But others should be given opportunity to build them up in some way.

  17. 10 minutes ago, SteV said:

    If it does get to a point where literally no game ever goes down to 0 points, then I would agree something (no idea what) would need to be done, as you can’t have kids never getting the chance to go to away games (unless buying off someone else). 

    I will say though that although demand is going crazy and will only continue to go up, there will come a point where it plateaus. For example, if we’re away at Madrid in the CL on a Wednesday, then got Norwich away on the Sunday, what would demand for Norwich be like?


    Yes, probably true. But I honestly think because of what's been 14 years of nothing, the slightest hint of ambition as shown now as seen demand soar to levels beyond what I expected. We really could sell SJP @ 70k + I think.


    I have a 4 year old son, and going to my first away game at 11, I'd hate to think he will never have the chance as people are just buying in bulk which will prevent it. I agree the system is fair as probably can be, but there has to be some form of scheme to allow others to build them up.


    Also think the points should cap at 200 or something.

  18. Definitely take it all on board, but I just think the current demand levels will only increase, meaning younger generations of fans have no chance of building up the points tally in order to go to any away games in the future. I think long gone are the days away matches will fall to 0, and when people buy them for others, it does make it a tad unfair. Like I said in earlier post, it's hard for me to have a problem with that, given I've benefitted from the system for so long, however I do understand the perspective of those who'd like the chance to accumulate points. I have a mate who has over 200pts, has bought an away ticket for basically every game for years, but the Brentford game was the only one he attended since 16/17 (Leeds away).


    I think keep it as it is whilst giving a small % of away tickets in a ballot for those under the threshold would keep it fair, whilst also giving younger generations the chance to build up points for the future.

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