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Everything posted by SiLvOR

  1. No ink in that pen. Pulling a Costanza "look busy" move. it's like when I see people (me) carrying around a folder and a pen, just doing laps of the hospital pretending to be important. What is my life. You only see him fucking with that pad when things are going relentlessly bad. It's all scribbles, guaranteed. Just doing those little pen tornadoes. (Tell me you get what I mean? ) I would be shocked if there was a stitch of English in that bullshit pad of his. Not even an "A" where he started to pretend to write something but just started writing his name. It's a book of lies. Hope we get some super HD close ups of that treacherous pad this season, see what's really going on.
  2. No ink in that pen. Pulling a Costanza "look busy" move. it's like when I see people (me) carrying around a folder and a pen, just doing laps of the hospital pretending to be important. What is my life. You only see him fucking with that pad when things are going relentlessly bad. It's all scribbles, guaranteed. Just doing those little pen tornadoes. (Tell me you get what I mean? )
  3. No ink in that pen. Pulling a Costanza "look busy" move. it's like when I see people (me) carrying around a folder and a pen, just doing laps of the hospital pretending to be important. What is my life.
  4. My word that looks so bad compared to the one with the black box.
  5. I'm gonna say it, Bournemouth are passing it better than we can.
  6. Bet Real don't like it up 'em though, some proper Engwish tackles going in.
  7. Why the fuck are Real Madrid playing Bournemouth
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