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Everything posted by Penn

  1. Penn

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Deary me, you are dim. Incredible that some people's first thought is to come and criticise Ben Arfa even when he was clearly our best player.
  2. Penn


    It's funny just because you know the person who did it is probably a legitimate nutter.
  3. Penn

    St James' Park

    An absolute embarrassment.
  4. Penn

    Alan Pardew

    What does a back line being "settled" count for if it's performing poorly?
  5. ppl need to stop this HBA obssession. Yep, can't believe these deluded fuckwits thinking he's a superior footballer to Obertan and Raylor.
  6. A destruction was always due. Too many shit performances where things have somehow gone our way.
  7. Thats a chip on the shoulder thing to say, or a benefit of the doubt immature comment. What does "chip on the shoulder" even mean in this context?
  8. If Ben Arfa put in that performance he'd be getting slated man.
  9. Deary me. Do you think our midfield being non-existent against Fulham and Blackburn was just a coincidence?
  10. He didn't honestly get booed when he was coming on did he? Not sure, but i know some of them did in previous games. Bit of a daft post then really.
  11. Perch isn't actually doing "really well" though is he? He's not providing much cover for the back 4 at all, but because he hasn't completely embarrassed himself in the way people expect people mistake not being shit for being good.
  12. Simpson should just stay on the line permanently. The whole match like.
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