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Everything posted by Penn

  1. Santon appears to be psychologically incapable of going on the outside.
  2. This is a completely meaningless point at this juncture because he hasn't yet been employed in a role that would necessitate working as hard as Vieira.
  3. Penn

    Alan Pardew

    You are utterly deluded if you think critics of Pardew are now having to eat their words. He is an incredibly limited manager and it would be a travesty if this set of players only ever get to play under him.
  4. It's s**** that's why. And it can make a huge impact on how the team plays. Sort it out locals Please, can the Pardew cultists fuck off with this utter drivel.
  5. You weren't really paying attention then.
  6. Penn

    Derek Llambeezy

    Bizarre how people's critical faculties go out the window after 2 wins.
  7. Horrific air-shot from Sissoko. Get rid.
  8. Knew a goal was coming from those throw-ins. Slack marking.
  9. Overwhelmingly confident that we'd go down if we sold Krul. He bails us out so often, particularly in 1-on-1 situations in which he is freakishly good.
  10. Penn

    Loïc Remy

    7 points is not going to persuade many players over an extra 20/30/40k a week. Let's not pretend he wasn't coming here primarily so he could double his wages.
  11. Penn

    Loïc Remy

    If he's willing to move from a team fighting for the Ligue 1 title to an awful, relegation-battling English side with a smooth-talking cockney twat of a manager he's obviously a greedy mercenary and we're better off without him.
  12. Penn

    Alan Pardew

    But this type of football is not what the players know. It's completely antithetical to everything the likes of Cisse, Cabaye, Marveaux and Anita have ever been taught.
  13. You could say this s**** about any one of our players. It's literally meaningless. "look at the league table- Colo's been contributing to shit results- fuck him" Dribbler.
  14. What the fuck? That is absolutely ridiculous conjecture man.
  15. How about shortly over an hour and a half ago (first 10 minutes)? Or did you mean for an entire half? I think he probably meant for more than the first ten minutes, don't you think?
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