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Everything posted by M1tche

  1. errmmm, have i missed something, why had this clown got his own thread??
  2. The best sentence ever!!
  3. slight mistake for the goal, but other than that i think he would be decent next season if needed. played a couple of decent passes today, instead of just launching it.
  4. Been on a constant 3 since Rafa took over, just had faith he would get his team right and then not let them slip after that. 1st bit seems done, lets hope the 2nd comes true as well
  5. Just watched the whole game and ill be shocked if he does get dropped, he kept possession well and never had any danger from his full going the other way. He does need to do more when attacking, but we need to just win games for now, so performances like yesterday will help that along. Hopefully see his form from earlier in the season again next season
  6. I can see us beating Villa, being the only win for any of us now. I've got Sunderland and Norwich as Lose, Draw, Draw and us as Win, Lose.
  7. If Aarons is fully fit, i would give him a start instead. He seems similar to Townsend, so having someone with pace on both sides could benefit us alot. Does he fit onto this Rafa system defensively though?
  8. Yeah he lost the ball a lot, but also won it loads and had a massive part in the goal. I'd take this Sissoko over the one that we've seen for most of the season.
  9. I'll be surprised of he doesn't make a change, I know he hasn't got loadsof options, but isn't he the type that changes things to suit the opposition we are playing. Not to just a stop them playing, but also to cause them the most problems.
  10. I know he has had loads in weird injuries, but now he is fit he has to start from me. He links the team together very well and playing off the front man he is very clever at stopping teams playing out through the DM easily. I might be wrong, but im sure we will get something from the game if he starts tomorrow. Also his leadership and organisation have seemed key in the games he has played
  11. Only seen the highlights, but Darlow looked in no man land for the 1st from where the free kick was and where Klose Headed it, he should have come and claimed it, or tried at least. So many so called top level keepers do the same thing it baffles. Not quite resigned to relegation yet, because their is still Sunderland and a team managed by Alan Pardew that we can catch. Probably blind optimism though
  12. Every sub so far has made me think "what the f**k??" Quickly followed by "f**k that's an attacking move, let's see how this pans out" so much better than that other guys left back for left back crap and Mcclaren's 88th minute token sub, which changes nothing.
  13. Think a few are having a stroke because this is happening.
  14. Right now he is the best choice next to Shelvey, so unless that changes it would be crazy to sell him.
  15. Promising would be my choice of word to describe him yesterday, few very good glimpses of what he can do. There was only so bad bits in there as well, but he hasn't played much premier league football for a while. So might just be sharpness not quite being there against better players than what he's come up against at under 21 level.
  16. I'd take Gayle, offers different to what we have and is a good finisher. He is desperate for a move and more game time as well. We need better to make sure we stay up though.
  17. will donate on pay day (3rd), Thanks to everyone involved in the running of the site.
  18. Not better, but more suited to the formation that have been playing. Perez is one of my favorite players, but he is not at his best in that wide left slot. Needs to be more central to get the best out of him.
  19. Not rated him in the prem, but has looked like a decent player in Europa league and for England. There's a good winger in there, just not sure how good. Certainly don't think its 14mil good.
  20. Don't worry neither do we, don't think anyone involved with the club knows the plan atm.
  21. He is really growing on me now, never really lets his man get a clean cross/shot in and gives an option when attacking a lot more now. His crossing is pretty awful, but he did cut a lovely ball back to Gini on Saturday. All his faults can be improved upon in training, so I don't see playing him until the summer as a big issue at all.
  22. To me is seemed he was just getting a little revenge for Colback, as Valencia blocks him twice just before and Shelvey then just did the with one strong block instead of 2 weak ones.
  23. Dont really want him, but looking on the bright side he does has the attributes to be good on the left. Great pace, decent left foot (not seen cross that much though) and at times has a good shot on him using either foot. At least it should make our attack more fluid as we can go either left or right, instead of every team knowing if we go wide it'll be through Sissoko/Janmaat
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