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Everything posted by M1tche

  1. if Wood is 1 we're looking at as back up or a late sub on dangerman type signing I dont mind it, but surely we're looking for someone better for a starter while Wilson is out, someone who can play both 9 and wide so when Wilson is back they can both play in various systems. Typing that Martial came to mind
  2. M1tche

    Diego Carlos

    most people over 50 are closer to death than they are to being alive
  3. Based only off this video. This is now 1 of the strikers I want, seems comfortable finishing a variety od ways on both feet, which a pretty rare for alot of strikers these days. Doesn't look rapid, but runs strong with the decent pace he has. I hope this one is a goer
  4. The way the play bulilt up it would have been very hard for a fast midfielder to get near Cavani to stop him there, let alone Shelvey. Lascelles is fully to blame, it already happened once before and he didnt even look to see where he was and wasnt even close enough to block the shot. If you watch how many times Schar check where Ronaldo in on the same bit of play you'll see what he should have been doing
  5. i have a heart attack everytime he steps out with the ball
  6. Disappointed he didnt start Fede and thought Wilson should have come off instead of St Max, but if he was truly spent that fair enough. We lose that under Bruce and was happy didnt just sit in a defend after we went down to 10
  7. Whatever has stopped him playing needs to be sorted or swept under the carpet, both him a schar have to start
  8. M1tche


    Still can't finish, but i think he's looked decent tonight. Admittedly its the 1st game ive sat and watched in quite a while.
  9. My 2 favs are Asprilla 11 97-98 top or Ronaldinho 21 PSG
  10. If we don't use our extensive monitoring department just for potential tranfers, it's probably the best thing for players who don't have local family
  11. Going against the grain slightly here, but last 2/3 games i think he's looks pretty good. Could be more mobile and better defensively, but on the ball and his closing down has gone up alot recently
  12. Random thought on the new Bein deal. Them paying the same amount is a good thing, as it says to me that Qatar would be less likely to try and block the takeover (as its losing them money not streaming in Saudi) and then even more long game the Premier league will know that if Saudi say pissed off and dont allow the Bein stream legally the next TV right bid from Qatar will fall significantly. Like a say random thought and someone may have expressed somewhere else along the line, but that's what ive made of it.
  13. The Personel looks like its going to be this and I hope it is, but the without Schar's passing range it would be anywhere near as effective.
  14. The free kick drill is more of a range finder than an actual warm up. In most teams I've played in those that could end up taking free kicks have a couple after the warm up is finished. Its normally the same with corners as well
  15. Have we ever under Ashely just doubled someone wages like that, without thier contract being close to running out
  16. It'd be so much better though if the person who operates it had some sort of filter rather than posting every little rumour. They do post stuff that is clearly a load of bollocks. Most of the rumours in the press are a load of bollocks so they'd end up posting nothing. And their name basically says they'll report all of these things, so just got to take most of that they repost with a lunch of salt..
  17. Wait until you see this one for the next four months. As a representative of the "Manorparkians Group" I can tell you that you will not be seeing this Thread Title (unchanged) for the next four months. In fact I can formally announce that Takeover Day WILL BE on Monday 27th July 2020. (Remember, you read it here first . . ) Abit late to the party, but im joining this club. Roll on monday!!
  18. The reasonable opinion will have to have some kind of factual backing, especially when it means 1 party loses a 17 million deposit.
  19. I might have missed it, but can't believe noone has mentioned "like a new signing" when one of out many injured players were close to returning.
  20. Ginola vs Ferencvaros is top for me, with honourable mentions for Ben Arfa vs Everton and Blackburn, Shearer vs Everton and Villa, Asprilla 3rd vs Barca and Cisse vs Chelsea (1st goal) and vs Swansea
  21. Longstaff or Joelinton I think. unless Almiron gets a goal early on and then takes it up a level
  22. On transfers Rafa Benitez said he wants to things quickly and the right way.. meanwhile Ashley delays things yet again and stops us from doing anything. Rafa might still sign.. but Ashley has took the piss again. I agree with this, I meant just on the Rafa staying front to be honest, which to me is 100% the most important signing this summer, so if it takes slightly longer then so be it. At a normal club he would have signed right after the last game and got straight to business strengthening the side over the summer, but this is Newcastle
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