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Everything posted by M1tche

  1. all three sub made zero sense to me, surely haidara should have come on for taylor with dummett going centre back and then gouffran off cabella on. 1st half actually decent apart from the defending for the goal, we are so suspect from long balls as well
  2. Are you Tiote by any chance??
  3. Good cross Janmaat and love that finish from Cisse. Gouffran being crap completely confused Burnley
  4. I could punch pardew in the nuts with them subs, on a side note gouffran must give great head
  5. The same reason he will always get stick because he isn't good enough to be starting games for us. you could be right about not being good enough to start, maybe. So now how does that mean he gets stick when being one of our only half decent players for the 1st 45 mins?
  6. How is Sammy getting grief from anyone after watching that?? we've been crap, but Sammy has been less crap than everyone else apart from maybe abeid
  7. Tiote needs to be subbed aswell. Noone has been amazing, but having a dm thats not protecting the back 4 is pointless
  8. Perez has been awful at times, but still involved in most of our better stuff with good touches. I'd get Cisse off and get Perez back up top at half time
  9. Pardew doesn't make good decisions, did you not get the letter?
  10. would have been such a classy finish, very unlucky with that one.
  11. He doesn't try and do anything other than defend, which he is pretty decent at.
  12. Was actually quite painful to watch, he really looked to be struggling.
  13. Looking at the teams, we really should be able to control the midfield for large spells today. Even with Colback playing
  14. I cant pick one type of player to put here, but loved watching Ronaldinho all through his career, so id say that type of player now, before him it was Ginola when playing for us and then before that Gascoigne and Ian Wright.
  15. Not surprising really, I can't remember a bad game from him as part of a midfield 2. Not at all surprised, just thought id say it as his thread hadnt been bumped yet and he was a clear MOM for me.
  16. great header, needs to strengthen his core so he doesnt bounce off so easy all the time though. Looks like he could become a very good player
  17. Was a beast today, looked very good 2nd half in the deeper 2 in midfield
  18. i keep logging on, hoping to see he has been sacked. Need something to cheer me up a little
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