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Everything posted by worthy

  1. If the manu handball was a pen - then this is a red card to both manu players and a pen. Fucking ref
  2. He even tries to move the arm away but the ball just goes to him no matter what. Isn't this why we have VAR? I truly hope manu just crash and falls down the system, spawny shit club.
  3. Never a fucking pen at all. Laughable how corrupt the system seems.
  4. Well if they talk shit, then they get shit back - fuck spurs, shite club, shite players
  5. Fucking fantastic game. Loved it from start to finish, the five at the back and just going for hard counters was the perfect plan.
  6. Rip Joe. Like most say I was fuming back in the day, but looking back it has brought me some laughs for sure. Dementia is an awful disease.
  7. A red all day, studs first just going straight through
  8. Good win, especially since we looked extremely poor. But Fulham didn’t take there chances, so some very nice 3 points.
  9. Can’t be for any other reason than to somehow think he can take the flack for dummet. Cause that is a stupid thing to say if not
  10. If giving the ball away, passing to the opposition at every possible moment, falling over whenever someone breathes on you and also take the first touch like a shot is what Eddie Howe is instructing him to do we should fire Howe right the fuck now
  11. For anyone. Any barn is better than that pub playing dogshit fucking plodder. His touch is worse than a guy that has no fucking legs. He cant pass, he cant fucking hold up the ball cause he falls over if someone gets close to him. Switch to 442 and get rid of him. Just dont fucking play the absurdly shit player ever again.
  12. SHould have fucking hauled off Longstaff
  13. Fuck off to League 2 where you belong you absolute plodder
  14. If Longstaff and Dummet is even close to the team next year I hope they both get fucking chucked in the fucking river to never be seen again. What a bunch of useless fucking cunts
  15. Trying to do a fucking Judo throw on a player that doesnt have the ball and wont even get close to it when there is VAR - No thats not a mistake, thats being a fucking useless piece of fucking trash, a stupid fucking thick cunt.
  16. I hope I never fucking see you in the shirt ever again you absolute fucking shit player
  17. Dummet, never fucking play ever again you absolute fucking dogshit fucker
  18. Shite play by Schar - why isnt he covering the inside there and just letting Burn take it. Fucking fantastic tackle though
  19. Its wild. Man has been more of a Everton player, yet he is still on.
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