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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Why are we so shit at the basics. Fuck off Tripp, Burn, Schar. That isnt Even pub league defending you absolute weapons.
  2. So every away game this season is a bad day at the office?
  3. First clean sheet , Howe needs to sort this away form. The we will learn from this line is used up, we clearly don’t.
  4. Its honestly just expected at this point. We cant play away.
  5. It’s been like this from the start away from home. All the basics just suddenly go out the window. No idea why or even how.
  6. This is almost criminal, yet again failing basics
  7. Yes, cause a formation is the only thing in regards to gameplan.
  8. Its the problem that has always been there. No plan B.
  9. A cone is a step up from Burn on LB. We need to get a real LB so Tino can play RB instead.
  10. Watch out, the RAWK-brigade will be all over you for pointing out that Howe has been really bad at managing the away games
  11. worthy

    Kieran Trippier

    Whatabout-ism is the worst shit ever. Cause it doesnt matter, he did in fact give away goals, he needs a reset
  12. worthy

    Kieran Trippier

    Guy is burned. 3 goal leading Mistakes in 3 matches is fucking terrible. Time for a long mental reset and let Tino take over for a while.
  13. worthy

    Lewis Miley

    We might have a real one on our hands here
  14. Lets see if they actually have a plan b for 2nd half - or if its just sticking to plan a and hoping for some magic.
  15. His job is to oversee all of this. Yes, some injuries have been freak - But then continuing to push players not even using whatever we have to actually rest some, even the young ones, changing the gameplan, formation. Something - Not push as hard in training? I dont know, he gets paid to know this. So it all falls on him even if some like it or not.
  16. Tbf, ill take this as the card that havertz should have had.
  17. Its not bad luck at all - We have played so many many games and he has had to play full 90. This was on the cards. Just when.
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