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Everything posted by worthy

  1. We need to shithouse them like crazy in the second half. Gordon, unleash your everton side again.
  2. Aye that too, he booked the wrong people as well. Hope someone two foots this ref on "accident"
  3. This is what pisses me off - They winged at Dan Burn tackle, no bookings. He SCISSORS longstaff and then its yellows flying
  4. Honestly, we should be happy that wolves are so bad at attacking. Any other side and we would have been smashed. This was bad.
  5. Whats been with him throwing himself to the floor all game?
  6. Bruno just going to the floor, fuck off - stay up there
  7. How shite must they be if we still use two major risks on the field.
  8. I dont get that either, we've spent a chunk on LB and RB - but yet ultra knackered Burn and Trippier is still on the pitch.
  9. Still dont understand why the fuck Pope boxed that, he had so much space and time. Fucking ultra shit.
  10. Fucking dogshit defending, fuck off you sacks of shit
  11. where are the fucking subs? Something needs to change here
  12. Thank fuck Wolves are dogshit in the last third, cause honestly we are fucking terrible at the back
  13. Why are we shitting so many bricks defending now, jeez
  14. Pope is the actual worst sweeper keeper. Honest to god. Fantastic shotstopper, but thats not the first time he has just had a huge brainfart coming out.
  15. Aye, thats how I feel as well - Everyone else seems like the came straight from the pub.
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