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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Gordon definitely needs to be more direct and use that pace aye
  2. Joe, just two foot this ref man. Please
  3. Fucking shite ref, waited forever then decided to give a free kick cause he asked?
  4. What the actual fuck dubs, are you a keeper?
  5. Hope this fucking ref gets a shiner. He is a fucking weak cunt
  6. Giving away 5 clear cut chances seem like a shit tactic
  7. We need to fucking get slapped in half time like. We are giving them sitters
  8. Gordon having the mental fortitude of a golden retriever. Looks so scared of these twats
  9. Wasting so much possession on fucking up basics
  10. Need to do the simple stuff better. Losing the possession needlessly
  11. We are getting dominated. What the fuck
  12. worthy

    Tino Livramento

    What a fucking amazing player
  13. Get stuffed with your smalltime club, you've seen the real united, now fuck off home
  14. Hope you fucking step on legos every fucking day you wake up you fucking wanker of a manu fan ref
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