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Everything posted by worthy

  1. where are the fucking subs? Something needs to change here
  2. Thank fuck Wolves are dogshit in the last third, cause honestly we are fucking terrible at the back
  3. Why are we shitting so many bricks defending now, jeez
  4. Pope is the actual worst sweeper keeper. Honest to god. Fantastic shotstopper, but thats not the first time he has just had a huge brainfart coming out.
  5. Aye, thats how I feel as well - Everyone else seems like the came straight from the pub.
  6. Extremely scrappy game - so many bad passes and choices.
  7. Not as bad as first thought. But that leaves us in a shit position.
  8. Or supporters can up their game so they can get to the level of the rest of Europe. Honestly atmosphere in PL games are subpar compared to any other league. Kudos to the Dortmund fans, will be WILD at their turf.
  9. Fucking two foot this ref - he tried to fucking rip callums shorts off RIGHT INFRONT OF HIM
  10. Barely created anything at home, giving away all sorts of second balls. No creativity what so ever.
  11. I think its more that we look really fucking bad. Its not that Dortmund is blazing us, but we are just playing extremely bad and nervy.
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