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Everything posted by worthy

  1. The ref is proper shite with his card. But what a first half!
  2. In short term if it could help us get a body in somehow then I would take that shot rather than with something that could end up being a cost fallacy. Not that it honestly matters as you know im just a random knobhead on a forum . But there is a chance that he won't be the same player after the ban depending on the severity of it. Although little Joe is coming back and thats all well and good. Miley and Anderson cant replace him for now. Getting another body in with all the games we have would be great. But smarter people than me will have done the number crunching on this and probably has a plan depending on how it ends up.
  3. Would free up wiggleroom for the FFP as projected salary wouldn't be there anymore. So thats something. At least more than having someone on a decent dosh whilst doing fuck all. If anything this is the perfect fucking lesson in being very specific about ethical behavior in the contracts you give players. 50++ and the salary is probably going to make it difficult to get a body in. Although loans might be an option I guess?
  4. I mean in that case he needs to take a 80% paycut or get terminated - Cant have a fucking player banned for 1-3 years and pay him full, and since we NEED a midfielder and have to buy one in january we need to get that FFP wiggleroom again. Addict or not. He might have just shafted us this year.
  5. Yeah, thinking about it you are most likely right. Big slap in the face though.
  6. I mean it wouldn't be Newcastle without getting some circus back. Worst case scenario is pretty grim but I will assume that they will stick the biggest army of lawyers on the case. Then I guess its either win or delay it as long as it is possible to delay it. Fucking hell though, god damn gambling shit.
  7. Weak as a 90 year olds piss flow from the midfield regarding second goal.
  8. Dogshit goalkeeping there like. It’s the fucking near post. And fuck off tonali
  9. Longstaff, pointless free kick to give away
  10. I mean this aint working Howe. I guess give it 10 min then changes
  11. No we look much better forward now with Isak wide
  12. We are toothless going forward. Isak is getting isolated and no support.
  13. Why didnt he just hold his line instead of half assing it in to a space that is so useless. Let the defender handle it and just cover for the 45 angle pass. Ffs
  14. Giving them the ball back every fucking kick you take pope
  15. He is amazingly shit at it considering how good he is.
  16. I would say it’s despite of. Plus in the buildups on the left side Burn has spilled so many fucking easy passes. We need someone that is actually useful on the overlap, not ruining the overlaps
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