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Posts posted by duo

  1. I cancelled my season ticket last week.  Sad times but it's a waste of money.

    I just feel I am wasting my weekend - haven't enjoyed going for a while now.  The current plan is to cancel - the club have two weeks to change my mind.


    Mate, as long as Ashley's here it will never change. Even if we sign Garde, the intentions MA has for us will remain. As long as he stays we will never go anywhere- we may finish in a Europa League spot again (which would be amazing) but we will not consolidate upon it, as it would be viewed as a failure. I would encourage everyone not to renew.

    All I want is to watch some half decent football, win, loose or draw.  Am hoping a decent coach will at least give us that.

  2. I cancelled my season ticket last week.  Sad times but it's a waste of money.

    I just feel I am wasting my weekend - haven't enjoyed going for a while now.  The current plan is to cancel - the club have two weeks to change my mind.

  3. Lad who is sat next to me has finally had enough and cancelled his ST.  I am thinking of doing the same - is it just the matter of cancelling the DD or do you have to write into the Box Office to tell them before 31st Jan?

  4. Just been a great call on total sport, someone from here?


    That would probably of been me... :lol:

    They didn't half shout over you and Howey..didn't matter what you said he was sticking by his mate.  Any rational person listening to your points would have said….yeah Remi sounds like the man for the job…not JC.  And who was the guy saying our season is written off already?….easy for him to say as he's not paid hundreds for a season ticket with still half a season left.  With the right man in charge we can finish in europe.  Why not. 

  5. Did folks really believe they'd actually appoint someone new? They already history of promoting within and the way they changed the job description to head coach to me made it sound they'd already penned Carver in for the job.

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