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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. An Employment Tribunal would deal with these kinds of employment disputes rather than a Court, I’d bet it would take some time before a definitive ruling would be handed down.
  2. Don’t forget there’s also the new FIFA World Club championship also added to the calendar yet no attempt to prevent those ‘invited’ from playing in the competition.
  3. That’s correct, they thought they’d bring in a rule to stop ‘meaningless’ end of season friendly games. Meaningless internationals are ok however! Governing bodies constantly getting involved in clubs commercial activities is going to end up at a CAT
  4. They are…….but replaced with other anti competitive rules that should be challenged.
  5. It may make some difference to the cartel clubs as they are claiming it’s anti competitive imposing wage caps, and it is they’d likely win if they took action.
  6. Employment Tribunal is the judicial body for employment work contract issues. Rulings from them are legally binding.
  7. https://x.com/ohwhenthenotts/status/1782879742066102389
  8. It isn’t a legal challenge, it’s ’Independent Arbitration’ however both parties have to agree to arbitration. Newcastle should tell him to fuck off.
  9. That’s correct, you don’t have to agree to arbitration. If they want to take the legal route thats what Employment Tribunals are for……could be a lengthy process though.
  10. I doubt that arguement would stand up to any legal test tbh. Football agents have already won a case on the basis of a cap on fees by the PL being anti competitive.
  11. I said in an earlier post the PFA would oppose this and there it is in the article. Agents have already won a case against FIFA and the PL who wanted to cap their fees on an anti competitive basis.
  12. They’re correct though and to be fair Man City have always been opposed to FFP/FMV/PSR/RPT for the same reason, they’re anti competitive. It’s another example of governing bodies involving themselves in clubs commercial activities. The more rules the PL put in place around finances the more likely it is that a club will challenge it legally.
  13. I could see the PFA mounting a legal challenge to salary caps, FIFA and the PL have already lost a case when they attempted to cap agents fees.
  14. It would still leave some of the players you’re looking to offload way out of reach for most PL clubs though.
  15. If anyone does come in for any of them they’re going to have to take a significant pay cut. Can’t see it, can you?
  16. Like fuck, Employment Tribunals give legally binding rulings on employment not some quasi sporting body.
  17. For £2 million………get to fuck, and this isn’t a CAS issue it’s Employment Law, CAS doesn’t have jurisdiction.
  18. We didn’t play at the weekend and one of them was arrested at the stadium, so unlikely to be us.
  19. They’d still end up with both ??‍♂️
  20. Leave the PL? The twats wanted both, it was never a choice for them.
  21. Fuck them……….another blatant attempt to strangle revenue streams. I hope this ban includes the annual PL competition in the US or Asia……..I suspect not. Why the fuck do governing bodies get involved in clubs commercial activities?
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