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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. I believe it could be 4-6 weeks, however there won’t be any public announcement given that the arbitration process is supposed to be confidential. There could be the inevitable leaks although there hasn’t been during the two week hearing, I hope this is an indication that things aren’t going the PL’s way, if it was I’m sure the journo’s would be busting a gut to get something out there.
  2. The arbitration panel is made up of three highly qualified and experienced lawyers/former judges, if their decision is that the APT rule would/could breach competition law, the PL would have a decision to make. They either remove the APT rule or go to a CAT that they are likely to lose.
  3. You would assume so. My understanding of the basis of City’s case is that it’s unlawful and breaches UK Competition Law. If City win their case the PL surely could not continue to act unlawfully. I would have thought though that only a CAT ruling could determine it breached competition law.
  4. No leaks either to the usual sports journo’s.
  5. Brexit Jim has been bitten on the arse by APT rules that his club couldn’t fucking wait to bring in to strangle other ambitious PL clubs……delicious 🤣
  6. Everton spent fuck knows how much, managed by Ancellotti and didn’t, yet Bruce……..
  7. Adidas ad director……how it came about.
  8. He’ll be a Chelsea player by Monday morning!
  9. My mother had a Littlewoods catalogue, come to think of it my dad did Littlewoods Pools every week……..if only he knew he was helping to fund the red scousers, he’ll be turning in his grave!!
  10. Boehly must read the media gossip columns every morning and go for any players that’s rumoured to be joining top half clubs!
  11. We’re nearly at the end of the first week of City’s arbitration case and no leaks so far. I wonder if that’s due to the case not going well for the PL or that all the journo’s have been warned off?
  12. Discussion re Bruno……makes sense, lets hope case goes on a bit longer, past June.
  13. I’ll bet there’s a fair few on here bought the new Adidas shirts since Friday, how many stopped and thought about where they’ve made, Trax Apparell in Cambodia more than likely. I’d bet the working conditions, wages, rights aren’t to clever? Fuck it bin Adidas off.
  14. I wonder when The Athletic are going to do an article on Liverpool’s main sponsor Standard Chartered Bank?
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