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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. That’s exactly the time to challenge the rules, when you believe you’ve been wronged……but then again you can appease those that operate e within a cartel. within a cartel……or you can grow some balls. And challenge the twats.
  2. They are, Edward’s return was on that basis.
  3. UK and EU competition law almost mirror each other.
  4. I think they’re waiting for the right opportunity, simple as.
  5. But anti competitive rules around finance and revenue streams impacts the quality of that team on the field. All the arguments and discussion about FFP, FMV and PSR needs to be tested by a judicial body, CAT, if they are deemed to be fair rules, fine, no problem. To do nothing though and allow a cartel of the richest clubs dictate what you can spend, who and how much companies can sponsor you for and who you can do business with is just so fucking wrong on every level.
  6. Because football thinks it’s ‘special’ but now that football is a multi billion pound industry it isn’t a special as it thinks it is…….why shouldn’t competition law apply to a huge business sector?
  7. He did with the majority of non playing staff, national minimum wage and with Charnley wasn’t he the lowest paid executive in the PL. As for players that was a more difficult issue but he still never paid top dollar. Question is should a new regime be subject of rules an old regime signed up to…….but thats another argument.
  8. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean a challenge won’t happen and as for City if it goes wrong for them they do have that as a nuclear option. We voted for FFP under Ashley, not sure we would now and sometimes it’s Hobson choice if you don’t comply with rules that are anti competitive you would be sanctioned at at worst expelled, doesn’t mean that you can’t challenge them.
  9. I think they would certainly have the grounds to go to a Competition Appeals Tribunal. Worth having a listen to this, over an hour long but the discussion is by lawyers who are experts in their field. I know a few on here don’t like Nick De Marco but he knows his shit. https://www.blackstonechambers.com/podcasts/the-sports-law-podcast/the-sport-and-competition-law-podcast/
  10. Man City never had to deal with FFP, FMV, PSR etc during their growth, we do. These rules especially FMV and associated party rules were brought in when we were taken over designed purely to prevent our growth and wow are they working. As long as rules of a clear cartel remain in place it doesn’t matter how smart business people are their commercial activities will be shackled. There is only one solution…..attempt to get the restrictions removed and if they are I’m by no means advocating unrestricted spending.
  11. Even before all this ‘fucking nonsense’ we won zip……..it was still Liverpool, Man U, Arsenal etc cleaning up, why because they were rich in comparison to other clubs. Unless the club gets off it’s arse and does something about it we’ll continue to win fuck all despite having wealthy owners.
  12. So much for fair fucking play………..and some on here don’t think legal challenges should be made!! System is completely rigged in favour of the so called elite. Coefficients have always been a scam.
  13. Until there’s a legal challenge against FFP/FMV/PSR or whatever the fuck they want to call it we will never compete at that level or the PL for that matter. Get used to it, the elite clubs won’t change the rules, why would they?
  14. Exactly……..it’s about self interest, we should be threatening legal action over anti competitive rules and practises.
  15. Ten PL clubs quick to resort to legal action re payments to the EFL protecting their interests yet we fuck around and let them get away with FMV etc. Clubs include Arsenal, Spurs and Liverpool. So much for altruism and protecting other clubs. https://x.com/mailsport/status/1767612700916355168?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  16. This was interesting from the same bloke. https://x.com/mikeygow/status/1767305259066479018?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  17. This might help explain some of the potential punishments of UEFA PSR https://x.com/mikeygow/status/1767305199213826352?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  18. I’m at the point where I’ve resigned myself to us being a top half also ran club, the only positive is the chances of relegation have been significantly reduced.
  19. Everyone saying 19 clubs voted for this…..the media usually name any dissenting voices to the new rules, nothing anywhere or when a meeting of the PL when said vote took place. Unless the club are keeping their powder dry we’ll be what we are now, a mid table side, if people are happy with that then so be it but deep down I just have a feeling the club are working on something that allows us to compete, a new stadium would be a start.
  20. I keep on saying this but the only way is to legally challenge these financial rules under competition law.
  21. If the club has voted for this then they must see some advantages in it for us, especially if FMV rules are relaxed.
  22. Was there a PL shareholders meeting? They’re usually well publicised and who votes for what?
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