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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. It’s only the tabloids, looks like FCB is distancing himself from a takeover by imposing time limits for the deal to be completed. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/788049/Newcastle-news-Mike-Ashley-takeover-deadline-Sheikh-Khaled-Bin-Zayed-Group-Rafa-Benitez
  2. Won’t happen, to many fucking sheeple.
  3. Well I was born in Manchester, although lived nearly all of my life in Newcastle, suppose I could follow one of my birth towns clubs more closely
  4. Rafa going now tells me there’ll be no takeover, the club can fuck right off, I’m out until the fat cunt is gone.
  5. Then relegation and a few years in the championship is the answer. Once the PL cash tap is turned off he’ll fuck off.
  6. After the 30th of this month for me.
  7. It’s the silence that gives me a little hope
  8. If, on the remotest of chances a deal is done with BZG, prepare yourself as you’re going to get some fucking shit and abuse from some on here
  9. I love a bar of Nestle white chocolate
  10. what time is it being announced? 31/6 @5pm
  11. Gorilla is this godzilla[/member] deluded gullable 2nd account Bizarre how seemingly desperate you are for this not to go through Mackem
  12. The only way to get rid of the FCB would be a prolonged spell 5-7 years in the championship. Money is all this fucker understands, once the premier league cash goes I reckon he will to. It will be tough on the fans but it’s a price we may well have to pay. Just my opinion of course.
  13. Nowt you could really disagree with in this article. https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/sport/2019/06/greed-only-reason-why-mike-ashley-wouldn-t-sell-newcastle-summer
  14. On the other hand if FCB does dither to long and Rafa goes, little if any recruitment. If BZG pull out next season will likely be a disaster with relegation a likelihood. I doubt we’d bounce straight back up. Ashley certainly wouldn’t get £350 million for the club and I could see us in the champo for a good few years.
  15. Caulkin is straight down the line, he's one of the best covering us. Then if he knows there are other interested parties, name them.
  16. Caulkin knows jack shit, same as all the other journo’s.
  17. https://twitter.com/jamesdaggettx/status/1140885006329532416?s=21 There’s that can being kicked further down the road
  18. Maybe the journo’s are quiet as they are fed up of the abuse being hurled at them, which imo is deserved.
  19. In any normal transaction proof of funds is something that happens right at the very beginning of the process. I can’t imagine this case being any different. So why the total silence from the club if it’s all bollocks? It's the whole ambiguity of everything, theres fuck all verifiably true information about this whole thing. So people can assume whatever they want. There's no proof they have actually provided proof of funds, they haven't even stated themselves that they have done this.
  20. These journos talk some shite ;D https://nothingbutnewcastle.com/2019/06/blogs/lipton-suggests-benzema-to-newcastle/
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