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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. NYSE doesn’t open until 1pm, until then Fenham Mag has the benefit of the doubt!
  2. PCP could sign a letter of intent, I understand that was the process for the Man City sale.
  3. Why, NUFC isn’t a listed company? ? It will be. Really hope your right? Keep an eye on this: https://www.stockmarketclock.com/exchanges/nyse/trading-hours
  4. Why, NUFC isn’t a listed company? It will be. Really hope your right?
  5. Grayson quote from press conference today, “I can't think of too many other people who are in football at this moment in time who would be in a better position or could do a better job than I am doing at this moment in time” ???
  6. Even Barcelona, who for years opposed sponsorship on their shirts, had to accept sponsorship money to remain competitive. NUFC are no different as long as it isn’t something like Wonga Dome I haven’t got a problem?
  7. Shut the f*** up and get against that wall. Shut the f**k and get back to Ready To Groom Banter Someone must have handed their sarcasm detector in when they retired.
  8. Its called the Social Contract, I do have another pension as well unlike most of the young folks now who don't want to save for retirement.
  9. Shut the f*** up and get against that wall. Shut the f**k and get back to Ready To Groom
  10. The sooner this generation die off the f***ing better. Thing is these people are going to be on the receiving end of great medical advancements, assisted by immigrants, with the addition of living the end of their life with what will be the last state pension, all of which my generation is going to have to pay for, despite them making everything harder by voting leave. Honestly man, they are going to make the baby boomers look reasonable. Hold on mate, I'm a baby boomer and retired, I paid into the system for 49 years, like f**k do you pay for my pension, I paid for that myself.
  11. Yeap, very easy to remotely wipe stuff nowadays. Its not as simple as wiping computers, deleted files can be recovered. That's how Harold Shipman was caught, he deleted files and the IT experts recovered them. Plus he was down to 3 patients at his surgery.
  12. Yeap, very easy to remotely wipe stuff nowadays. Its not as simple as wiping computers, deleted files can be recovered. That's how Harold Shipman was caught, he deleted files and the IT experts recovered them.
  13. Considering how Charnley has been released and will be questioned later you have to assume nothing has been found. Dont assume anything, I worked in the Criminal Justice System for 32 years, it's normal for people to be released after initial questioning and then re-interviewed at a later date whilst they build a case. HMRC will have Forensic IT experts trawling through computers and mobile phones for evidence. It could take years if it is to go before the Courts. If it's anything like in Spain, is pretty much common MO to detain suspects while their property is searched, so they can't destroy evidence or contact anyone. Then they get released after everything is secured. It isn't Spain though, as long as they have the computers and phones there would be little point in holding Charnley in detention. The logic is still completely valid, you detain the person so they can't contact others etc. If he was formally arrested and questioned they could have bailed him with conditions. If however he is assisting with enquiries then that's a different matter hence they may want to re-interview him. It would be interesting to know what information or evidence they already have to mount such a raid on the club.
  14. Considering how Charnley has been released and will be questioned later you have to assume nothing has been found. Dont assume anything, I worked in the Criminal Justice System for 32 years, it's normal for people to be released after initial questioning and then re-interviewed at a later date whilst they build a case. HMRC will have Forensic IT experts trawling through computers and mobile phones for evidence. It could take years if it is to go before the Courts. If it's anything like in Spain, is pretty much common MO to detain suspects while their property is searched, so they can't destroy evidence or contact anyone. Then they get released after everything is secured. It isn't Spain though, as long as they have the computers and phones there would be little point in holding Charnley in detention.
  15. Considering how Charnley has been released and will be questioned later you have to assume nothing has been found. Dont assume anything, I worked in the Criminal Justice System for 32 years, it's normal for people to be released after initial questioning and then re-interviewed at a later date whilst they build a case. HMRC will have Forensic IT experts trawling through computers and mobile phones for evidence. It could take years if it is to go before the Courts.
  16. Sun writing complete bollocks shocker. Do you work for them? Have you read the article? They don't even know what the write, the structure is all over the place and they name check pretty much every player, and everything related to HMRC and football clubs with no context. The media are desperate for a scandal over this. I wouldn't give them the privilege of my attention. Vile Tory propaganda rag that it is. The Sun,aka The Daily Swastika!!
  17. HMRC prosecute cases themselves in a criminal court, police don't need to be involved. If you are successfully prosecuted you will have a criminal record. There could be issues around the 'fit and proper test' to run a football club mind!
  18. We'll do nowt if it's the play offs, still there's the derbies to look forward to
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