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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

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    Nice to see that the newspapers & Sky Sports news crucify Suarez but forget to mention that he scored his 50th career goal in 96 games for Liverpool yesterday.




    Suarez being victimised again :(


    Haha, idiots.

    Who the f*** cares? He bit (BIT) a fellow footballer and he's the biggest c*** the earth has ever seen.


    Justice for the biteysix

  2. Evening game on the telly, slightly more positive outlook amongst the players/staff after sneaking a point at West Brom, Liverpool aren't any great shakes, hopefully no Suarez...


    Some tenuous reasons, admittedly, but it does have the hallmarks of a game that we'd be up for.


    Saying that, if we struggle badly again then where exactly is the light at the end of the tunnel?



  3. I feel sorry for the lad. Doesn't even have his own thread, just has to make substitute appearances in other threads.




    Was being facetious. Pardew thread about Anita.

  4. The last time we had to make a managerial appointment the board had a toxic reputation for undermining their managers and not supporting them in the transfer market.


    Hopefully this has changed given how they backed Pardew to the hilt this year. May enable us to make a better appointment.


    Also its a plus of managers not having control of the players bought. Remember Souness with £50m.

  5. to blame Pardew solely for this loss would be to let a lot of players who didn't put in any effort in the slightest


    People aren't just looking at the game in isolation. Today's result is symptomatic of his tenure.

  6. We are a defensive team that cannot defend.


    We have enough talent in the squad to be better than we are.


    We do not play good football.


    We struggle to create chances and put teams on the back foot.


    When the players under-performed at the beginning of the season I felt that they were to blame. When players under-perform for a whole season you have to hold the manager to account.


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