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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Posts posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Can't argue with that. Just hope they don't make an offer.


    A lot of the time I feel its the exposure with these articles that annoys us as fans. I mean if Santon and I were mates and he said in a private conversation one night that he would go to Milan if they bid for him, it wouldn't surprise me and wouldn't annoy me.

  2. I don't really believe he went out to do Haidara, I'm not even sure it was deliberate. But even if that's true the FA should still have take action against him for reckless and dangerous play. Bizarre that they're not doing that.


    Ian you don't understand. One of the officials saw the coming together.



  3. Words fail me. You really have got to worry for football when this level of competence is displayed by the games governing body.


    Club have got this spot on. I just hope Haidara is able to recover and continue his progress with NUFC.

  4. Douglas says 4 weeks out, which is bad news.


    Although we dont have a winnable game for 3 weeks.


    At least he is ineligible for the Europa League which is really all there is to play for.

  5. Legal action is almost certainly going to be Civil negligence or tort of trespass of the person dependent on intent. Its difficult to argue because there is an implied consent to harm of a certain kind in playing Sport. IIRC this has been extended to incidents which are beyond the rules. Whilst players know they run the risk of injury (i.e. they consent to being at risk of harm) the manner in which Haidara was injured is arguably so extreme he couldnt possibly have consented.


    Consent in this context is a term of art. Its not saying alright kick me really hard in the knee and Im ok. Its more certain things happen in sport on the fringes of the rules and that as a player you are aware of this but carry on regardless.


    Anyway I don't think the club is bad for considering Legal avenues. That dickhead has the means to pay damages to Haidara and the club for his treatment. This isn't about taking tackling out of the game its about not gambling with fellow pros careers. I'd liken it to claiming against the speeding driver who crashes into your vehicle.

  6. Richard Keys saying its not fair to pick on the young lad as he has had a hard time coming into football and he isnt the type to do that  :idiot2:


    Guess what Richard he clearly is the type as he f***ing clearly did it you cock


    Not fair to pick on him?!?! Get to f***. Like it wasn't fair for him to break Haidara's knee. Hairy handed c***, f*** off!


    Its been said on this thread numerous times, that if you tackle somebody like that you are exactly the type of player who does that. It was an outrageous and disgusting challenge and not something that just happens. I don't even think it can be reckless.


    Sure a debut player might do something stupid in the heat of the moment but to use that to explain an action which could deprive a young professional of a career? Dear me.

  7. At the end of the day, we're asking Rolf Harris to do Michelangelo's job on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. We're asking a bus driver to drive a McLaren in the British Grand Prix. The man has nothing on his CV to even suggest he can manage a club, to play football the majority of fans want to see whilst gaining results to achieve success on a consistent basis. We shouldn't be surprised that we lack any attacking tactical plan week in week out. The man doesn't have this quality in his managerial arsenal. He is mediocre,at best. I feel we deserve better.

    If this is stability, another 7 years of this, then you can shove stability where the sun doesn't f***ing shine.


    Basically sums it all up for me - excellent post.

    We cannot go into another season with all this happening - it is a waste of decent players.


    Rolf Harris is a very competent painter tbf.

  8. How long can they do this '92' stuff (that I don't even think they fully understand the point of)


    Ha, Mag c***, bet you didn't go to games before 92!

    Well no, it's 2025 and I'm only 30.


    Surely a more salient point when we were actually any good? To have followed us since 1992 you would have had to endure the stewardships of: Dalglish, Gullit, Roeder and Allardyce. As well as a relegation and some terrible boardroom antics (Shepherd and Ashley).


    Maybe this definition of 'glory' is relevant to their successes during the same period.


    You would also have 'endured' 3 seasons or so of the best football seen in the Premier League first which is obviously the point.


    Yes its obvious what they're getting at. Their premise inextricably links success with support. Bandwagon supporters would be too fickle to have stuck around during our recent lean times. Hence less salient point.

  9. How long can they do this '92' stuff (that I don't even think they fully understand the point of)


    Ha, Mag c***, bet you didn't go to games before 92!

    Well no, it's 2025 and I'm only 30.


    Surely a more salient point when we were actually any good? To have followed us since 1992 you would have had to endure the stewardships of: Dalglish, Gullit, Roeder and Allardyce. As well as a relegation and some terrible boardroom antics (Shepherd and Ashley).


    Maybe this definition of 'glory' is relevant to their successes during the same period.

  10. Think it's time Rooney moved on to another team anyway.


    DO you think we will put in another bid?


    If we do it will be £10m in the final hours of transfer deadline day having already sold Cabaye, Tiote and Ben Arfa.

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