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Everything posted by hithere

  1. hithere


    Cheers, what does jaw wiring have to do with anything though?
  2. hithere


    It's Huddlestone isn't it? Ok, well maybe you're getting two of them I stand corrected. Deal for Mannone on according to Sky Sports News. For what it's worth I think he's shite.
  3. hithere


    It's Huddlestone isn't it?
  4. hithere


    The sources for Cattermole and Sessegnon going are the Mirror and Sky Tyne and Wear. Doubt either will go unless it's a good offer, both recently signed new deals. Plus even if Cattermole was to go I doubt we'd notice much difference as he's rarely on the pitch. As for the other three, they're no great loss. You will need a good pre-season and some time to bed in those players if the player turnover is high. I would keep those key players like Mignolet or Sess in case the new signings can't adapt. Kinda risky hoping the new guys will settle fast. Surprised with Sess being linked away though. Does PDC not rate him? We didn't really have a choice with Mignolet. He would've stayed but refused a new contract meaning his value would've halved by next summer with one year left. £10m is an excellent fee for a keeper and we're looking to cut costs these days. The Sessegnon link came out of nowhere. Some Chinese side offering silly money being mentioned. Di Canio's comments regarding Sess so far have been that he's impressed. Don't think we're actively looking to sell him, just a combination of Sess's agent (every summer), and the fact that under the new regime every player has their price. With regards to our player turnover, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worried about players gelling etc. However when the alternative is Bardsley, Bramble and Gardner on 30k plus a week I'm willing to take the risk.
  5. hithere


    Could quite easily go tits up very quickly. I'll freely admit I haven't seen any of the players we've signed/are linked with play.
  6. hithere


    The sources for Cattermole and Sessegnon going are the Mirror and Sky Tyne and Wear. Doubt either will go unless it's a good offer, both recently signed new deals. Plus even if Cattermole was to go I doubt we'd notice much difference as he's rarely on the pitch. As for the other three, they're no great loss.
  7. hithere


    Rather that than Gardner, Bardsley, Graham etc. It could be a massive fuck up but at least we're trying something different.
  8. hithere


    Hope so but I can see Wigan putting a run together, if Stoke weren't so shite I'd still be bricking it...
  9. :lol: Good to know they are still so small time. Raised a smile from me Similar things were sold after the 5-1 to be fair.
  10. hithere


    Depends if they are still playing him CM or not, he's limited either way but our lot should have a field day if he's playing in the middle. I still wouldn't fancy giving away too many set pieces around the box with him around though. No need to worry, his set pieces have been as bad as his performances this season.
  11. hithere


    It is atrocious. I was gutted when we got them in the cup last year. Felliani tore us apart and will probably do similar when we play them again.
  12. hithere


    Doesn't look likely. Only saw him play on tv before he came to us but since he signed he looks like he's put on about 3 stone.
  13. Minanda! What was the black bloke called who played up front? The pacy one. Cai... something? Edit: Castolo. Beast. I miss PES...
  14. It was against Charlton if I remember correctly
  15. hithere


    He was the only one who offered anything first half. Seems to fade in games but I'm hoping thats just adapting to the pace here. At least he gets himself in forward positions which is an improvement on Colback. His touch is shocking at times though. looking at smb tonight seem pretty down on the prospects under mon? Doubts are creeping in now. The majority are still behind him me included.
  16. hithere


    He was the only one who offered anything first half. Seems to fade in games but I'm hoping thats just adapting to the pace here. At least he gets himself in forward positions which is an improvement on Colback. His touch is shocking at times though.
  17. hithere


    He's an excellent keeper but his knees (one in particular) are supposed to be shot. Hope he does well with the coaching.
  18. hithere


    There's no way Rose is good enough for Spurs. Before this season I'd have agreed without hesitation. His reviews have been great this year, but I've only seen highlights, which are no way to judge a player. I'd love to see a neutral give some feedback. Suppose thats me out then. He does still look a bit raw and naive at times but he's been excellent this season. I'd imagine he's better than Fryers and whether he gets a first team place or not would depend on Assou Ekotto's situation next season. If we were to try and sign him I'd go as far as £8m based on what I've seen but its not up to me.
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