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Everything posted by samptime29

  1. Would take a draw all day as long as we beat Bournemouth in next game.
  2. Would be delighted with a draw like, but Chelsea are playing better, and I reckon a 3-1 defeat.
  3. samptime29


    Snide Johnson. I just can't believe he could be so stupid. He has thrown it all away.
  4. Glad he got his goal. His finishing isn't there yet (consistently) but there's lots of positives to his game. We look really non-threatening without him tbf.
  5. We really could do with winning a couple of away games like. Massive 3 points today, we look decent enough at home. If we could somehow pick up 2 wins from the next 3 games, it would help us no end. Still in the thick of it, but feeling more positive after today. West Brom could defo get dragged into this BTW.
  6. If we don't win the West Brom game, we're down.
  7. That West Brom game is so must win it's untrue.
  8. Found this ridculously funny Good work.
  9. Those "winnable" home games are huge. We really need to get a few away wins too. At least 2 more. I'm probably a 7 now. If we didn't pick up a win out of next 2 games, will be super worried.
  10. No consistency man. It's not like we're even picking up draws away, just losing. I still think we've got winnable home games coming up, but could do with getting a few away wins.
  11. How many mistakes has he made since he's been in the side?
  12. Massive win. First half played really well, excellent goals.
  13. As if the two televised games this week finished 3-3 with a last minute equaliser in both.
  14. Should be a decent MOTD. Goals about. Swansea are right in the shit.
  15. So sad man, really hurts this one. RIP Pav
  16. Then lost us it. He made a mistake but who was covering the near post, basic defending also cost us as much as the dodgy punch as we had nobody near the post. 100% agree. Thought he was very good yesterday. The punch was a bit weak but there has to be cover on the post. That's the big mistake.
  17. Played well in difficult conditions yesterday.
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