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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. what a self important fuckin divvy that lad is
  2. Holloway

    Paul Dummett

    Recovery pace and good sliding tackles are all I can remember on the positive side,and probably benefited positionally from Rafa's drills. 3 views of that numbfuckity last night is enough for me
  3. apart from one or two headless chicken marauding upfield and leaving us exposed instances, in admittedly key situations, I think he,s been a solid 8/10 for the most part
  4. tbf we were given 9 minutes to fix the clusterfuck, well eight and three quarters
  5. Pants? He's been bright orange and purple loons. I'll give you Willock
  6. Holloway

    Lewis Hall

    oh aye, there is that
  7. Holloway

    Lewis Hall

    not sure about that like, he had a patchy second half imo
  8. Holloway

    Paul Dummett

    as far as i can tell most fans can't understand how he is still at the club, never mind being involved in a match of this importance
  9. he's not quite good enough we know that but it's awful to read some of the toxic shite coming up about him on here, he's a good honest lad/player with limitations at this level. I hope him or any of his family don't read this fuckin board
  10. Holloway

    Paul Dummett

    home grown attitude from an ageing average performer isn't helping out, as we've just witnessed
  11. Holloway

    Paul Dummett

    How do you reckon he is still here, and possibly looking at an extension ?
  12. I believe we do for him, but the others we will have to get a bit smart in the the windows and fucking sharpish, we can't be bringing on these relics in this competition
  13. Similar to Lascelles, Murphy , Miggy ,Krafty etc,where they can do a job when called upon but a run in the side quite quickly highlights the weaknesses in their game. In desperate need to upgrade the backup
  14. Jury still out for me, not sure of his level as yet. Desperate for him to succeed ,like
  15. Holloway

    Harvey Barnes

    Very well put, I've no doubt he will be an asset going forward
  16. Holloway

    Harvey Barnes

    Useful aye, but out of ya seat, nah
  17. Holloway

    Emil Krafth

    He's athletic and likeable, but needs glasses to read what the fuck is going on
  18. Holloway

    Paul Dummett

    The kid Murphy has looked decent in his brief cameo's, can we not get these lads some useful minutes rather than spent, crumbling club mascots
  19. Holloway

    Lewis Hall

    Missed most of the first half where I read he was impressive,shame he didn't keep that up
  20. Holloway

    Dan Burn

    Commendable shift tonight,keep him right there
  21. I'm upset, but this is aids ridden
  22. I'd honestly take 5 mill for him,you can't depend on him doing fuck all right, especially when you"re chasing it
  23. Warm feeling ahead at the news of a Dummet extension- warm piss
  24. 4 points conceded to these muggy fuckin tramps man
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