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Everything posted by Odear

  1. Done good this year! Maybe so, but it's Axel Autocorrect ?
  2. Am shocked that they broke the story. None of the NE journos had a clue. Wonder if Mike was celebrating and bragging about it in some bar in London which is how word got out. A few drinks on him and I bet he couldn’t help himself.
  3. Rafa shopping list: Rondon Matthijs de Ligt Joao Felix Joelinton Alex Witsel Joshoua Kimmich Yep. That’ll do pig. That’ll do.
  4. Odear


    Couldn’t happen to a scummier set of supporters. That’s made my weekend ? They were really depending on bouncing up straight away. It could be the guts of a decade before they ever play in the PL again.
  5. I’d say that’s more about setting up a competitive PSG U23s team. If they meant business in the PL they would buy a team outright.
  6. He’s here forever. If Sports Direct ever go tits up, he can always fall back on the club and siphon 30m out of the club every season. Sort of like he’s doing already. Why would he get rid of his rainy day fund?
  7. Odear

    Sean Longstaff

    If he starts and he has a good season he’ll be worth 60m in the space of 12 months. Daft to even consider selling at this point. Between Gayle, Hayden, Perez, Shelvey and potentially Longstaff as well there’s about 100m+ in sales there this summer if Rafa wanted. But potentially all of those would cost significantly more to replace..
  8. Heard a whisper this morning Rondon is staying and Rafa wants Juan Mata. You hearing that also? Not heard a thing about anything else. In my line of work I have dealings with the media team from there a few times a year so have gotten to know a few of them quite well. They have a pretty good in house team but some things they need some help with occasionally which is where I come in.
  9. ? very good. It’s a club source from that department. I’m not going to name them because they’ll get fired most likely. He’s booked in for media work, that’s all I know. The rest is speculation.
  10. My info is that he’s due back at the club over the next few days to do some media duty for the website. (Photos, interview etc) Surely that means it’s done?
  11. And I’m sure he does. When we find out is anyone’s guess. I can’t imagine there’s much to discuss at this stage. It’s either yes or no.
  12. So had anything happened today? Too pissed off with GoT to bother trawling through comments and news stories.
  13. So Rafa and Ashley met on Thursday. Then both respective agents and legal advisors for both parties thrashed out a provisional contract on Friday for both Ashley and Rafa to go over this weekend. I assume this means Justin Barnes will be representing the club and dealing with Rafas team. I’m not any more hopeful that he will stay but my understanding of it, is that there’s bits in the contract that Rafa wants and then bits that Mike does.. so it’s anyones guess if that’s enough to make it happen.
  14. I only posted it to show that’s the one Odin was on about and it was ridiculous. Think that was pretty clear like You are correct. Apologies. I did a quick scan of newsnow and it was in the headlines so assumed it might be credible ? The best thing Rafa could do is go on the lash with Ashley, that’s the only time you’ll ever get anything out of him. Kinnear had that sussed.
  15. Some of the news sites are claiming Ashley won’t budge at all on money or control. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if this doesn’t end well.
  16. Indeed. But then it turned out that Rafa didn’t get any of these assurances in writing because of an incompetent agent. That won’t happen again.
  17. How do you know Odin? A friend of mine goes for a swim and massage there every week or two. Text me just before 9 this morning. I asked him to check it out when he’s leaving.. not heard anything back yet. If you can, ask him to confirm where it is exactly. I know the Connaught well - it's not Chelsea. Well that’s where I thought it was so my mistake. Still haven’t got a text back. I asked him to snap a photo if they were still there.
  18. How do you know Odin? A friend of mine goes for a swim and massage there every week or two. Text me just before 9 this morning. I asked him to check it out when he’s leaving.. not heard anything back yet.
  19. He’s sitting with Ashley and a few others having breakfast right now in the Connaught Hotel in Chelsea.
  20. It’s likely bullplop. Rafa is contracted up until the end of June. First he has to announce that he’s leaving, which hasn’t happened (yet) and then Celtic couldn’t announce anything until he was out of contract. If he leaves, I think he waits for one of the bigger jobs. Pochettino is going to have to leave sooner or later.. Manchester United will have to face reality at some stage. There’s going to be better options for him if he waits. But he won’t break a contract. So if he signs with us, then it means he’ll be here for the duration. He won’t sign a two or three year deal unless the assurances are legally binding. I just can’t see him signing a short 1 year deal, what would be the point in wasting a year of your career? I’m sure he sees it like this as well.
  21. Thrown it away.. both games tonight and last night have been cracking though in fairness.
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