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Everything posted by Odear

  1. Conflict resolution is her thing and guiding clients through negotiations etc. I’d never heard of her before today but she seems to be involved in commercial developments so hopefully there’s a bigger picture going on.
  2. Nesreen Osman and her team in both UAE and the UK office are the lawyers looking out for BZG’s interests. No idea about Ashley’s side. Conflict of interest in having the same firm is correct. BZG have used Pinsent on major construction work before so they have history. My source at Pinsents tells me her team have already been in discussions with Benítez but at an early stage. All very relaxed as this is a totally new contract with a new employer but he’s probably having to sell his vision all over again so it will take time.
  3. Yes. If he’s been privy to some info, it wouldn’t be a great career move to lose the trust of any new potential owner group. Far more sensible for him to play the long game instead of going for “an exclusive” which would only have limited click value once all the other papers started writing about the story.
  4. If I had a nickel for every time someone said lock the thread I would be able to buy the club myself. If I had a nickel for every time I suggested it I’d have 1 nickel ?
  5. Just rename the thread “Sonia’s growler” and lock the bastard until something of note actually happens.
  6. And Sonia’s snatch Things were bound to turn ugly!
  7. I wouldn’t be devastated if Mourinho got the job. He’s a proven winner and I suspect his demeanour would change managing a club he actually likes. He even won titles with one of the worst Manchester United squads in recent memory. Saying all that, I prefer Rafa. More so as a person to represent this club but he also has the coaching skills to match Mourinho. Rafa has never had full reign at a club. Signing who he wants and running everything his way. I wonder why though? Why have employers been reluctant to give him what he wants? On the flip side, if this takeover is bullshit then we’re going to be without either mentioned above and the possibility of Sam Allardyce or something other British clown coming in. And that’s probably 50/50 at the moment..
  8. “You won’t believe what Eid Mubarak looks like now”
  9. Hard to tell if it’s photoshopped. If it is, the person masked in one of them fairly well. Anyone done a reverse image search on it?
  10. Can anyone say how much this “group” are actually worth? I went trawling through t’hinternet there and couldn’t find anything but conflicting reports. One report said they were worth up to 1 billion usd? Not exactly inspiring levels of wealth.
  11. Maybe Ashley leaked the deal knowing it was far from complete. Hoping to flush out any other interested party and get a bidding war going. If he signed an nda, it’s hard to prove it was him if that weasel from the sun doesn’t reveal his sources.
  12. It won’t be this week but even if it was going to be it would be highly unlikely for anything to happen before Friday at the earliest. I’m still reasonably positive about this lot. With a dose of cynicism so I won’t be too put out if it doesn’t happen. All I can say is fuck the bastard who leaked it. I was more than happy with the possibility of Rafa staying and Ashley still being the owner.. then all this happened.
  13. Also just to note. Muslim countries quieten down for Eid al-Fitr on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week so if it’s being observed I wouldn’t expect anything to happen before the end of the week.
  14. You only have to see how many separate companies set up that make up the club as a whole to realise that any deal would be massively complicated. Lee Charnley must be a director of about 30 of them. Wouldn’t all those companies need to be dissolved or what it is they do be transferred for a deal to take place?
  15. There’s been more than 4 reported takeovers. There was Moat, a supposed Chinese group. Nigerians, Americans, Mexicans, Amanda Staveley, Peter Kenyon and now this lot. None of us will be surprised if this comes to nothing.
  16. It’s a week today when this story broke. What has Ashley had to gain by doing this? These things take time. I also assume that there can be a legal agreement that if Rafa spends X amount based on promises from the new group, if they renege on that they can be sued for it.
  17. With recent events not going his way and then reactionary moves like selling buildings, it does appear that Ashley is going through a bit of a rut financially. He definitely wants out and compared to circa 2009 when he made a show of himself in Dubai but wasn’t that bothered if he sold the club or not, this time he can’t afford to call bullshit on the people he’s dealing with.
  18. Liverpool have been crap. But the occasion has gotten to Spurs. It’s not clicking at all for them up front. Trying too hard.
  19. It will all turn into a racist frenzy before the weekend is done. Then it’ll be announced on Monday and nobody will dare show their face on here.
  20. Tragic that. No age at all. Was a decent player if I remember correctly. Perhaps not suited to the PL as it was then but showed his worth when he went back to Spain. RIP
  21. What has he got to gain by doing that? So Rafa leaves. Half the summer goes by, no new manager, no new players in. Possibly some out. Then what!? Relegation again. There’s no way he would intentionally do that to himself. He hasn’t got the foggiest about football. But he knows how to make a profit. All those bad decisions, 8 year contracts. John Carver, Steve McClaren etc. Someone was advising him on that, badly.. and he buys into that whole British is best bullshit. He would have happily hired Allardyce until he saw what Rafa can do on a shoestring. If the club wasn’t being sold Rafa would be tied to a new deal by now. There’s a reason it’s held up which is that all these assurances Rafa wants in his contract won’t be applicable under the new lot. Fuck knows what the hold up is but I’m guessing whoever leaked it did so way before it was ready to be. Now it’s looking like something is wrong when it was only ever just going through the due process? The fact the club haven’t come out to say “these lot are time wasters” ala what Ashley did with Staveley makes me think it will go through.
  22. He’s got nothing in his life except memories and seemingly enough money to keep filling a void by getting fucked up. He was never the full shilling upstairs. You can send him to rehab all you want but when he’s out and he’s left alone with his thoughts, this will keep happening unless he finds something new in life to put his energy into.
  23. Bunch of bankrupt cunts. That would be just our luck.
  24. I think Kompany signed before the oil money rolled in but yes I agree with your point. I think for a transition period though you need players who care for the badge. Then eventually you get the chance to sign total professionals like David Silva who don’t need any sort of bedding in. The problem is for every David Silva or Bernardo Silva, there’s Nigel De Jong’s and Robinho’s. It’s essential to do thorough research on the type of character you’re bringing into a club. Rafa won’t be like a kid in a sweet shop even if he has bags of cash to spend. Trust is his main thing with players.
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