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Everything posted by JP

  1. Politics in my opinion. People wetting their pants about it on twitter, drives more hate towards Ashley.
  2. Anyone else finding it eerily quiet? Journos have nothing to say about any incomings, usually they can't get enough (even if it is clickbait). Rafa gave a deadline of January 20th? It points towards a 'nothing is actually happening' situation (including takeover) but I firmly believe Rafa wouldn't be here if it meant a relegation under Ashley on his CV. What would be the point in him staying unless he knew the grass will soon be greener? He knows Staveley personally ffs, of course he will know the state of play surrounding the takeover and will just be playing the long game knowing it will happen. (Probably doesn't belong in this thread but I went off on a tangent)
  3. Buzzing for 6th Jan. The ITK's are certain its happening Saturday. On a match day. On footy focus
  4. I'd seriously hope not but I guess you never know. WBA win at home to Man U West Ham win at Stoke Palace win at Leicester Swansea win at Everton Only a West Ham win realistic?
  5. Big press conference coming up imo. Rafa attended the transfer meeting with Charnley yesterday, his mood (as always) will be revealed in this lunchtime presser. Was all smiles Tuesday due to the positive movement in takeover progress - we'll see what today brings.
  6. Ashley is now on holiday in the US too. Left to the legal side to sort the finer details out? We can hope.
  7. Ashley has a chance to make his money back + more after 10 years of free advertisement. A chance to get out now before a possible third relegation. He's a willing seller from what we're told. PCP/Staveley are keen to buy from what we're told. It makes perfect sense that a deal is made. What possible benefit is there to Ashley to hang on to the club? If we stay up, he'll be in exactly the same position this time next year - possibly worse as Rafa won't stick around for another summer like the one we've just had IMO. Imagine owning shares in a company and you have solid information that there's a realistic chance those shares will half in value in 6 months time but you can take profit now? Again, it makes 0 sense at all for him to keep the club as what is the upside? No better than the current situation.
  8. Many still going on this? I'm doing OK so far this season with a squad of: Foster Myhill (shite start I know) Alonso Jones Daniels Mee Naughton KDB Salah Richarlison Atsu RLC Kane Lukaku Abraham Doing Abraham to Callum Wilson today. Then loading up on Chelsea next few weeks, their fixture run is astounding.
  9. I thought the same about Watford. Then realised we looked class against West Ham too.
  10. Once a price is agreed it will then take us into January until the official club statement, however.
  11. Those saying it’s well under his valuation etc.. That is how negotiating works. He will have had his ‘valuation’ leaked as a much higher value than he’s willing to accept. We do not know his true valuation of the club, could easily be 300million. That figure will have been discussed verbally before a formal bid of course. PCP won’t waste their time and costs with a formal bid if they knew it was way off Ashley’s actual valuation. Obviously this is a step forward for us, fingers crossed now.
  12. I've just watched highlights, and only highlights before anyone jumps on this, but it appears it was very much a game of two halves? We were so unlucky not to be in front by half time with Begovic keeping them in it. Thought Gayle looked particularly lively? Hope he gets a run in the side.
  13. Thinking/hoping the fact that Eddie Howe likes his Bournemouth team to have possession of the ball will suit us.
  14. Horrible place to lose the ball in your own third, that. Rafa blamed the 'mistake' for losing the game and he got hauled off straight after. Be interesting to see the 11 Saturday, that's two games running we've looked toothless going forward. We'll pick up points as we're now hard to beat but Rafa won't be happy with the final third (Perez/Joselu)
  15. Creatively our best player last night. Only one who looked like making something happen. Diame for Merino must be so demoralising for him to play alongside
  16. Oh right, yep. Let's bring Pardew back so we can laugh at our embarrassment of a team concede a few goals again and completely fold away to the likes of Palace/Southampton etc. We've got an actual team now who work hard for each other and have become really hard to beat. Burnley will be delighted with that 3 points last night and they'll know it was one of those games that was always going to be won by 1 goal. We've only lost 2 games out of the last 8. Replicate that form season long and we will comfortably stay up, without being involved in a relegation battle. That's the ultimate goal this season - a comfortable survival. Rafa's brilliant work to get a good start under our belts has seen many fans get carried away as usual and think we should be rocking up to Burnley 4-4-2 Mitro and Gayle taking the game to them. Trust our manager, he's the best thing we've had since Robson and we'd be completely fucked without him. Please just imagine the championship last season with Pardew/Carver/Kinnear in charge A comfortable survival + a takeover this season is what every fan should be optimistic of - not slating the team/manager after a narrow loss at Burnley (who have started the season very well also btw)
  17. One of the four times a game Hayden stays down he will genuinely pick up an injury you'd think? We may be forced into a Merino + Shelvey pivot
  18. My reply to the several slating him after Huddersfield away. We've got a serious player on our hands here.
  19. Really encouraging for a 21 year old's debut. A lot of posts here seem to underestimate the ability to constantly be in a space to receive/want the ball. He was our go-to player whenever we had possession and wasn't fazed at all when he had 2-3 Hudds players hustling him. That's really promising considering he's only trained with this squad for what 3-4 weeks? Once the understanding improves with our forward thinking players I'm certain he'll be playing intelligent forward passes too. Fans calling him 's***' may as well give up with watching football. If you don't see that he's got huge potential and is worlds apart from Colback you'll never understand the game.
  20. We usually do press conferences the day before a game, so it'll be tomorrow. It'll be today, 1pm at an educated guess. PL press conferences never on a Saturday.
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