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Everything posted by Footsoldier

  1. If I have to tell you, then you have been wasting your time watching Newcastle over the years.
  2. In all fairness, a tremendous effort today.
  3. Ran the game and fuck all to show for it. I think Huddersfield will be very happy at the moment. If Gayle doesn't sneak a a goal in this game he should be took out back and shot.
  4. Ah. The old " it isn't ben arfa's fault its the rest of the teams fault" argument. Nice one.
  5. Not a problem to disagree. Its all about opinions. Or we'd all be sheep.
  6. Maybe 1 in 10 was an exaggeration. I'll cut it back to 1 in 5 but I think I am being generous. Perhaps that will stop all of you rabid ben arfa fans from getting your knickers in such a twist. My point is he disappeared in many more games than he was brilliant. And as I've said, on his day he could be brilliant but they were few and far between. On an off day he was rank. Rose tinted glasses and all that have kicked in. Who is to blame? Plenty to be shared for sure but the player has to bear the brunt of it even though he had a manager that was not the give us a cuddle and it will be alright next time type. Neither it seems were any of the others then apart from puel. We'll see what happens there. Unlike many on here it seems, I want a team of players who are consistently good. On their day very good and can compete with anybody. Bar Man City maybe . Do I appreciate skillful players who can mesmerize you? Of course but only if we have a team that can support their off days and win consistently over the season. And provided the player contributes more than he detracts when others have to carry him.. It is not a coincidence that ben arfa's career has been so underwhelming as he is a talented player but clearly not a player seen as a final piece of the jigsaw by most managers. Mostly down to a poor attitude and laziness I'd venture or he could've been so, so much better.
  7. Aye I've been fooled by that 2+2 = 4 more than once.
  8. Wasn't that last year and it never happened? He's the wrong side of 30now so we'll see.
  9. I want players who are good consistently, not brilliant one game in 10 if you are lucky. I would've loved him to be a top player but he wasn't. No work ethic unfortunately.
  10. And you got that from your mother's friend's butcher's auntie's bit on the side who sells pies there?
  11. Doubt if there'll be a club of note who would bother with him. Too much trouble with little return.
  12. Amdy ......before somebody living in their parents attic jumps all over me.
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