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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. 12 player formation posts are both cult and weirdly regular.
  2. We all know that come early January, half the first team will sit out our FA Cup 3rd round exit. And not a single journalist will question Bruce about it.
  3. We support Newcastle United not mike ashley. I won't stop supporting my club just because ashley is a c**t. Would the definition of support not include a desire to see your team do better? Are you happy with the merchandising vehicle the club has become? Or do you just want to turn a blind eye to Mike Ashley, Steve Bruce, Jack Colback and all the other abject people now entrenched at the club? Because another 38 games battling relegation is definitely something I couldn't look forward to as a supporter.
  4. Rafa knew how to manage the condition of the squad across an entire season. I would wager that Bruce has got them "fitter" relative to this point in time last season, but I would certainly expect considerably more fatigue and injury early in the new year as a result of excessive conditioning in preseason. Also Colback is a shit footballer. I hope he reads the forum x
  5. Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf-esc.
  6. Print that and post it to everyone who attends Arsenal.
  7. I’ve been had, haven’t I? I shouldn't have doubted
  8. Neil Custis of the Sun seems bitter
  9. A mate showed me a few article headlines on his account and it just isn't for me. Feels most of it is just noise, made up of positive opinion pieces and fluff pieces that clubs will give access for. Even though it is reasonably priced, I just wouldn't bother with it.
  10. I had actually thought you were in on the joke
  11. Waugh's first contribution to the Atlantic is a puff piece on Almiron I don't see the point in reading it.
  12. I never ever thought I'd see the day this was said. Hes utter utter garbage man. Sad state of affairs when comments like these are made Nonsense.
  13. Awful positioning from Salah. Basically allowed City the chance singlehandedly.
  14. Nah, this is bollocks. Nobody signs up to replace Rafa Benitez as Newcastle United manger without full knowledge of the stupid restrictions Ashley has installed. I mean, you'd have to be fucking fool otherwise.
  15. Why do I get the impression that Rafa didn't want this man-child forced on him. Sounds like a total cunt.
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