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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. Ronaldo rape case reopened


    Got the potential to get very acrimonious.  No way it'll lead to a conviction, way too much time has passed and it sounds like Ronaldo is going to fight back rather than try and settle. Might also turn into another mass trial by social media which never looks good for anyone and usually ends in the twitterati offering everyone out on the internet.  Bad times ahead, especially noting the potential for a backlash against the #metoo movement.


    Called it, but didn't think it would happen on here.  Nowt like a good rape accusation to get people at each others' throats like.  :lol:

  2. He already tried to settle, it didn't work.


    I was under the impression that he had tried to pay her for non-disclosure and she had disclosed, hence him coming out swinging.


    The question of rape is a very different one however.  Could go one of several very nasty ways.

  3. Ronaldo rape case reopened


    Got the potential to get very acrimonious.  No way it'll lead to a conviction, way too much time has passed and it sounds like Ronaldo is going to fight back rather than try and settle.  Might also turn into another mass trial by social media which never looks good for anyone and usually ends in the twitterati offering everyone out on the internet.  Bad times ahead, especially noting the potential for a backlash against the #metoo movement.

  4. Don't buy into the whole WC 2018 hype that surrounds Southgate/England.  Ultimately, we lost three games and scraped past some very average teams.


    However, he seems like a decent bloke and we DID reach the semis with an extremely limited group of players.  The alternative to Southgate is some utter twat like Allerdyce or Pulis, so on balance I'm pretty happy to see him stay.

  5. The football section on this site now is not a very nice place any more. Any difference in views or slight disagreement with the Ashley out big bollocks t***s leads to abuse and people questioning why you are a fan if you do this or think this etc.


    My earlier comment about him not flicking the v sign ok I didn’t realise it was a fans phone which makes it more likely, while maybe not the correct view is not really that outlandish and didn’t deserve derision off the board.


    People thinking it’s some kind of right of path to have to make effort in protesting in order to be taken seriously with your views or be massively active in a fan group etc is not right.


    And just because people attend the games doesn’t mean that they are not anti Ashley either


    I live 200 miles away from Newcastle Work nearly every damn hour and agree and appreciate all the hard work that is done by people to maintain and push the Ashley out view, just because I visit the games doesn’t change that view, it’s often just a chance to get together with family and I still enjoy a good performance and a win even though I hate the owners,


    This arguing and ridiculisation/ derision of fellow fans and showing of cock size by how many websites I’ve down voted Ashley on / protest events I’ve been to etc. Needs to stop as it makes us all look like a pack of c***s


    :lol: I always find that calling a whole board a pack of cúnts is a great way to win friends and influence people.

  6. We understand he admitted to them that he has made mistakes but now plans to take a more hands-on approach and will be present at both matches and training sessions in the coming months.


    Not this s*** again. :lol:

    "I know that I've hollowed out this once great club to make a fortune for myself and managed to make anyone connected to the club despise me, so to fix this I'm going to micro-manage you at all levels and undermine the one person who has any respect so when you get relegated I can blame him and carry on milking this club for all it's worth."


    As much the problem :lol: As opposed to people like you who do absolutely f*** all and claim "I don't go" as a contribution. It's not. Not going to something you were never going to in the first place is doing NOTHING.


    "I don't live in Newcastle"...so f***ing what. If you're so passionate, which you pretend to be, then go outside and protest in your local area. Do it now. No? Exactly...f***ing bullshitting pussy.


    You're constant insulting of the wrong target is doing more harm than help. You're a keyboard warrior.


    And before you come at me...I've done more than you're even capable of. And even that doesn't feel enough (to me). There are many on here who have done more than you could dream of doing. And a lot of them still attend the games.


    So give it a rest. I can't mute you because you're constantly quoted. You really make me want to delete my account more than any other poster ever has.


    Long ranty post complete with accusations of keyboard warriorery  :lol:

  8. It's going to be awful losing to these tramps next season after we break the PL lowest points record this season and they scrape up in the playoffs.


    Can see it now.

  9. Just had a flashback to the early/mid 2000's when Martin O'Neill's name kept getting banded around as our next manager. Then remembered we still have Rafa. And that Kineear/Carver/Pardew/MacLaren actually happened. Apparently if/when Rafa goes, MoN is a frontrunner for the job. Will be shut, but probably less shut than some of the utter cancer we've had over the last few years. Probably end up with Dennis Wise and relegation to League 2.

  10. Unfortunately, tables like that aren't going to be seen by the majority of the fans, they won't understand a lot of the more shady stunts he's pulled either, like deliberately putting obstacles in the way of decent sponsors so he can continue to push his own shitty brand for maximum exposure. Everyone has an idea he's milking the club, but he manages to hide a lot of it with his spiv accounting practices.


    The full extent of the milking will no doubt be revealed when we finally get new owners. I can just imagine them releasing a statement telling us the dire state Ashley left us in.


    What the Rangers fans had to say was particularly worrying in this regard.




    I can imagine he’s tied us up in some pretty shitty deals and I also think he’s spiteful enough to do us some real damage on the way out.


    I wonder if that's part of the reason no buyer has agreed terms with Ashley yet?  A bit like the Brexit bullshit going on at the minute.  New buyer wants complete freedom to run the club, Ashley insists that the SD signs stay up free of charge for the next 20 years...

  11. Our squad is horrific and he signed most of it, but he has done so because he has no other choice. He has been forced to ensure we have bodies and try to improve them which he has for quite a few, but so difficult when every player needs improving to average. We are good defensively but the front 4 players are shocking.


    Let's be honest if he leaves there really is no point in supporting this club, because if he isn't backed then who will be - McLaren or Pardew again


    For him it must be like playing Championship manager with £0, then getting sacked and all the fans blaming you for signing only dog-shit free agents.  Pure AIDS.

  12. Dunno how any of yous can be bothered anymore.


    Not sure I could have less emotional buy in.


    It's not the losing that bothers me (I couldn't care less) - it's the knowledge that the good times are gone until Ashley goes.  There is nothing to gain by following the club, unlike the 90's - mid 2000's where there was so much joy to be had.


    Until the FCB goes, investing any emotional energy into the club is a fool's errand.


    Hence my total apathy to us at the minute.

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