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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. Not good enough really. I have said all he is, is a finisher. He can’t do anything else. If he played for a mid table Spanish club he’s be great. Over here the game is too physical for him and he offers nothing to a team aside from getting on the end of chances. A Premier League team outside of the top 4-6 can’t afford to carry a player like him.


    I wish he had the finishing today.  Didn't even have that.


    Complete waste of a squad member at the minute.

  2. He doesn't do much wrong, but he doesn't do anything well.  Never looks dangerous in attack.


    Doesn't look like he has anything in the bag that can create chances, which kind of makes him kind of pointless as an attacking player.

  3. I reckon there will be a spend in January like.  30m to stay up and guarantee that juicy TV money will seem like good sense to the FCB.


    Hopefully Rafa gets good players and not like some of the utter s**** we've had over the last couple of years.

    £30m wouldn't be close to enough and I think it might be too late anyway.


    I agree, but I would be astonished if the FCB released any more than £30m.

  4. Apart from you know, assisting the first goal


    Fair point.  He passed the ball to someone else who scored and then proceeded to miss several sitters.


    Name one


    The air shot.


    That was a sitter?


    Although I haven't looked back at it, I seem to remember it being pretty close to the goal and under little pressure.  The kind of chance where you expect the net to bulge.

  5. I started the season optimistically at a 7, moved to an 8 after seeing the way we were playing and after that I'm at a 10. Along with Cardiff and Huddersfield we have far the worst team and squad in the league and there is no sign any longer than our manager is any better than the ones the clubs at the bottom we are fighting with have.


    Fuck me, Mr Brightside, a 7 is optimistic?!  You must be at 99999 now!

  6. The depressing thing is we are not going to have premier league quality players while the fat b******s in charge so every season he is here is going to be ground hog day.


    I think he's realised that there are some properly shit teams in the PL at the minute, and finishing 17th isn't actually that hard.


    Of course, the fat greedy cunt still cuts it as fine as he can with our squad, hence the two and likely three relegations we've suffered.

  7. £12m ffs


    That's like £120m in Ashley money. No wonder he doesnt wanna spend anything if he sees the clip of this lad


    Fuck me sideways. Didn't realise he was £12m.  I assumed he was a throwaway free transfer.  He is absolutely wank and shows no sign of ever being anything other than shite.

  8. Sanchez will defo score.  He's been a dogshit signing - nailed on to get a goal.




    Well that was disappointing.  Couldn't defend a two goal lead against the weakest Man U team ever.  And Perez wouldn't get a game for the Dog and Duck.


    But we did better than my prediction of Infinity-Nil, and we scored two goals, so everything went better than expected.


    Still an 11/10 for relegation though.

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